Oh the joy of Lyrica withdrawals...ugh

Because it wasn't doing me much good and was making me gain weight, my neuro has me going off of my lyrica. Very slowly. Because I've done drug withdrawals before.

I can already feel it happening though. I started itching like CRAZY last night. Tonight I'm still itchy, though not as bad. I'm also super emotional, which I get every time I change meds. Anyone have any ideas on how to make the withdrawal easier? Tonight my back is hurting like crazy and I feel like I have the flu. I plan on spending the next few days laying low.

Oh Allesmere!

This is bad news, I know that I have to go off Lyrica every once in a while, for 1 or 2 days, because of fluid retention, I take 225 mg 3x daily, and I get the hot flash/chills sometimes from doing that, ( I do have permission from all of my Doctors to do this) but it allows me to get rid of the swelling, just by constantly running to the bathroom.

I didn't realize you had taken Lyrica that long or were taking a substantial enough dose for you to go through this. Is he going too fast, perhaps? Maybe you should call and ask your Pharmacist, (any Pharmacist will help you with this) see what they say, then call and talk to your Dr or his nurse about this, and find out what they have to say. I thought the gradual with drawl was suppose to eliminate these type of happenings.

I hope that this ends very soon. Sorry I could not be of more help, please consider making those calls, they will know much more than I.

Big hugs,


Are you entirely sure that it wasn't doing you much good? From time to time I think this about Lyrica too and then, if I miss just one dose of it, I pay and pay for the next few days with a great increase of pain.

For back pain, I use an ice pack, which works much better for me than a heating pad. I have to leave it on for ages but it really helps to cut the pain. Also, I use Salon Pas pain patches, which are sold in most drug stores and supermarkets. They're very soothing and do take the edge off of my painful areas. Placing my back under a hot stream of shower water also helps quite a bit. Maybe a hot bath with Epsom salts would also be good if you can manage to sit in the tub. If you can take Benadryl, it may help with the itchy matter.

I hope this helps and I hope you can get over your withdrawal symptoms without a lot more symptoms. They sound terribly uncomfortable and I'm so sorry you're going through this. Good luck on this.

I've been on slow withdrawal for a while now. But the symptoms hit a couple days ago. Though tonight so far I'm feeling pretty good. I was on a fairly low dose because I was so nervous with these becasue of my bad reaction to Neurontin a few years ago. I haven't gained weight in years so the sudden weight gain was what pushed me to finally ask to get rid of it.

So far the only thing that has helped my pain levels has been my Meloxicam. The fact that they're finding inflammation markers in my blood now make me wonder if my pain is actually arthrits related, but they're still looking at that one.

This isn't quite as bad as if I miss my Effexor; that one I try to never miss cause it makes me sick as a dog for days if I miss one dose.