Other tender points?

Just wondering if anyone has points on their bodies that are tender but don’t fall in to the classic tender points used by the doctors to classify this disease.
I have two really tender points either side of my breasts, about 4 inches below my arm pits. My rheumatologist says they are not due to fibro but they feel exactly the same as other tender points I have, which he classes as fibro tender points…I know there is a school of thought which is finding other fibro tender points besides the 18 points used presently…
So what are your experiences with tender points?

Hello, first I would like to suggest that you talk to your general MD or OBGYN about the ones on the sides of your breasts just to make sure they don't see something. Also, have you asked your Rheumatologist what he thinks is the cause of it if it isn't due to Fibro? Fibro can be really tricky and a lot of people have overall soreness / pain in a lot of areas aside from the traditional tender points. Also, in recent years, more doctors are steering away from the tender point test as a defining diagnosis. If you look at the Fibro 101 guide, you will find a discussion on diagnosing Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) and it explains current medical thought on diagnosing FMS. Personally, I have sore or painful areas aside from the tender points, I have most of the tender points well. I try to be as aware of how I feel as I can and I jot down things so I can remember them and/or keep a pain diary if I am going thru a really hard time. This way I can communicate to my doctor what has been going on and where the pain is and how it feels. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Hugs!!!

Yes, sorry I should have mentioned that I had a mammogram recently and nothing was noted, so they are aware of my tenderness. To be honest my Rheumatologist doesn’t seem interested in the fibro other than to say he believes it to be triggered by my PsA (psoriatic arthropathy) and the treatments I’m currently trying are due to my GP, but I know this is not uncommon in fibro patients lol. I do get roaming tender places but the ones on my chest neck back hips elbows along with these ones by my breasts are pretty constant. I’m also wondering if they could be caused by the underwire bras I used to wear, as they are about where the wire would have started.
Good call on the pain diary.
Will look up the fibro 101

Hello Pookie,

Great advice from Auburnm, what can I add? I noticed she mentioned docs are steering away from tenderpoint test as diagnosis, my rheumatologist didn't even test for tender points, tho' I do have pain in those areas - and more!In uk although we are often diagnosed by rheumatologist, treatment is usually left to doc. So my advice is to get a good doc who believes in this condition, or is willing to find out about it. Good luck

Take care, Anne