Has anyone else been diagnosed with Fibro without the 11/18 tender points? I have all other criteria (pain in all 4 quadrants x 1 year, fatigue, insomnia x 10 years, fibro fog, IBS x 12 years, anxiety) so my rheumatologist diagnosed me with FM but my primary care doc keeps telling me I’m just depressed. I don’t feel depressed and I know the criteria for depression. Anyone else have a similar experience?
Hello MW Mom,
I wasn't tested for tender points, like you I have pain in all those areas, so I think that's why they do those tests to eliminate other things, and of course there is the fatigue. From my experience i don't think the tender points is the only criteria. As for the depression, stick to your guns, if you don't think you're depressed. It is not surprising that we do get depressed with this tricky condition, for myself I did have to eventually admit that it had caused me to feel depressed, and there is no shame in that. Wishing you well
Take care, Anne
Hi MW Mom,
I was also diagnosed without the tender point test. I asked about it and my doctors told me that it is not really used anymore. I didn’t really believe I had tender points until I tried testing myself - what a surprise that was! But I have met people (on line) who have fibromyalgia but don’t have tender points.
I just read a really helpful book - “Breaking through the Fibro Fog: the Scientific Proof Fibromyalgiais Real” by Kevin P. White. The book is written to refute the doubters, which it sounds like maybe your primary care physician may be. It gives a really good overview of what is currently known about how fibromyalgia works.
Dr White uses an analogy that helps me explain fibromyalgia. Most people can relate to what it feels like to stub your toe - the pain is really bad at first then rapidly decreases. The reason the pain decreases is there is a biological response in the spinal column and lower brain that dampens the pain signals. In people with fibromyalgia that response is broken - instead of dampening pain, our central nervous system amplifies it. Fibromyalgia a different condition than depression, which is a condition that should be taken seriously in its own right.
Hope this helps!
I wasn't diagnosed with the trigger points. Everything had been ruled out and I had all the other "symptoms" of Fibro. From my understanding, and I might be wrong, everyone has those tender points but in people with Fibro, they're extremely sensitive. My tender points are only sensitive when I'm having a really bad flare.
My old primary care doc told me my pain was just due to depression as well. I found a new doc, one who genuinely listened to what I was saying and that made all the difference. She diagnosed me with fibro and started me ion cymbalta. It’s helped some. I would advise you to seek another primary care physician. Hope this helps! You aren’t alone!