Out of breath?

It is really hard for me to relax my body with my FM. But in the last couple of months I’ve noticed that when I do finally lay down, I’m out of breath for a while.

And this is going from no activity and not breathing hard at all to full on huffing and puffing. I didn’t even know I was doing it until my niece commented on it. But now I totally notice it and it takes what feels like long time for my breathing to return to normal

Anyone else heard of this?

hi elizabeth. it often happens to me and i dont know exactly why either. i have a new PCP and i am going to bring it up. i read that it could have to do with inner ear issues or vertigo. we will confer notes if we find out anything, For me this episode does not last more than a few minutes and does not happen every night. . Let me know what your doc says when you tell him or her.. all the best to you



Thank you Suzie!

I did some reading on it last night and I’m wondering if it has to do with the lactic acid build up in the muscle and the need to get more oxygen into the muscles to try to clear the lactic acid.

Let me know what your dr says! Thanks!

I too have this problem. I go from normal breathing to huffing and puffing. I don’t have a clue what causes it. Let me know what your doctor says. Hugggggs to you! Paula

It is possible that it could be adult onset asmia, I have this and as soon as I take a huff off my chest inhailor it stops.

I have sleep apnea and use cpap and that helps me. I find that sometimes I'm holding my breath without realizing it and then off course I'm huffing and puffing. I'm also a very shallow breather, overweight and get out of breath easily. Takes a lot of energy to do much of anything. On days I do have energy I try to walk and that seems to help everything.

One day at a time!

I also had that problem and fixed it by stopping some of my meds that were not working for me such as hydrocodone. It was making me anxious and that is the reason I was feeling that pressure and trembling.
Try cutting down your meds, at least for a few weeks.

I have the same problem at times, despite daily exercise. One of several FM symptoms I haven’t figured out over the years, though I did have pneumonia several times so it’s good to get checked out and make sure it’s just one of our inexplicable symptoms and not an acute illness of some type.

Has anyone had weight gain with FM? I’ve gained 30 and can’t loose it

I can walk up the stairs and be fine or I can walk up the stairs and have to sit down to catch my breath, there seems to be no rhyme nor reason when this happens. Same with pain during exercise, pain can hit some of the muscles in my lower legs within a few minutes of starting or nothing at all or somewhere in between …weird x

I have asthma and my breathing has been terrible lately. What you’re describing sounds like anxiety or a panic attack. When I have one I start breathing funny, like somehow hyperventilating is going to calm me down. Lol

Hi, Cammie. Weight gain could be caused by one or more things with Fibro… inactivity, sleep apnea/sleeping issues or medication side effects to name a few. I’d recommend you check in with your doctor to be sure.



Cammie said:

Has anyone had weight gain with FM? I’ve gained 30 and can’t loose it

I have gained 60 in a year and cannot get it off.

Jeanne are you on any meds? I’ve also gained 60 pounds.

I too have gained almost 60 pounds and noticed being out of breathe. I always gainweight with the mmedications I’m on…iit’s a difficult balance between everything with FM!!

I have gained weight as well. I’m sure it is all part of a lack of energy. I was very active and on the go till I got full blown FM. My weight has been all over the place. I am a Respiratory Therapist. I’m lucky if I can get through a full 12 hr. shift without being in excruciating pain when I get home. I’m lucky if I can get out of the car when I get home. If you are on pain, meds that could repress your respiratory drive and make it difficult to breath while lying down. It could also be the fact that you are in a ton of pain and are “literally” holding your breath due to the pain you are feeling upon trying to relax your muscles. I have experienced those symptoms on several occasions myself. I normally lye down at a 30 degree angle to help with the breathing issues and just be mindful of the amount of pain meds you are taking. If you are taking so much that you are repressing your respiratory drive than you might be taking too much pain medication. I also take a lot of hot bathes to try to help my muscles relax without the pain.

Thanks all. Thanks April - that’s super helpful. When you say “too much”… What does that mean? I’m on gabapentin. And I’ve
Been concerned that I’m taking too much because of the dreams… I’ve had nightmares for years with it. And occasionally I’ll not realize that we don’t have orange juice… That it was a dream where I saw some in my fridge not reality. That has concerned me. It’s Never been huge Things just minor


That is pretty interesting. My FM has changed over the years and I now get those pains and some spasms in my legs while exercising, even when most of the effort is using hand weights. FM distorts all kinds of feedback loops in our brains. Bizarre disorder.

No, not had that type of issue…

I do notice that when I’m lying down , that’s when my feet and hands seem to have the worse symptoms.

I m doing better with a change in diet. Gluton free, no processed foods, all organic … And still looking for ways to get better.

I was on Gabapentin when I was first diagnosed back in "09. It triggered all kinds of nasty side effects. Gabapentin is mostly used is patients with seizure disorders. I have been on a litany of meds from the gabapentin, celexa, some other that I cant remember and now I’m o. Lyrica. Its expensive as hell and I’m not even sure if its working. Im upping my dose every month and paying over $200 a month for a med that I have yet to see results from, but its one of those titratoon meds so we will see what happens when I reach a “therapeutic dose”. But even my doctor shrugs his shoulders and says “well lets try this, and I’ll see you in 6 weeks”. Ugh, its frustrating and between my $60 co pay and my $200 Lyrica and my $60 fioricet for pain, I’m loosing money because of this damned condition, seeing my doctors and prying that this med or that might work!! Anyway, Elizabeth, sorry for my lil rant. When I talk about too much meds, I’m speaking of pain meds/narcotics. When I was first diagnosed I was put on norco. I get narley migraines. One day I took an extra dose because I felt like my head was going to spit in two. As a Respiratory Therapist I noticed that my breathing slowed and I felt like I was “working” to inhale and exhale for no other reason than to simply lay there and breath. I had repressed my respiratory drive. I was actually gasping at one point till I fully woke up and and focused on my breathing. Pain meds are a scary thing. I actually stopped taking anything for pain except the Lyrica as mu sister just died in November of a prescription drug OD. Be careful of how and what you are taking!