Painful feet

I am new to this and have tried other FM pages and forums but no one can tell me if they have painful feet.My feet feel like bloated balls on the soles and hurt so bad I cannot walk when I get up in the mornings or just from sitting.They are not swollen and dont look like there is anything wrong with them.My Rheumatology Dr does nothing for this and does not seem concerned, I am switching family Drs next week hoping to find a more holistic approch to all my FM aches and pains.I dont like the medications Ive been on and the side effects.

But the painful feet and ankles is getting worse. any feed back from anyone ??

Hi Sunset -

This could be many things. I'm surprised your Rheumatologist hasn't addressed it, especially since it's painful to you. There's no reason why a doctor should allow you to be in pain and ignore your complaints. Hopefully your new doctor next week will look into it for you.

I have Neuropathy in my feet... it's like constant pins and needles, and it burns. They don't feel swollen, but sometimes I can't stand to even put socks on, let alone walk around.

Foot problems seem to be very common among FMS patients, but because there are many disorders that can cause your complaints, the best thing to do is tell your new doctor who can narrow it down for you and give you a proper diagnosis.

Good luck, and keep us posted!


Thank You

Thank You

I have had pain, numbness and discoloration in my feet for years. If you haven’t seen a podiatrist yet you may want to consider it. I have Morton’s neuroma , a cist and torn ligaments. Now i lost feeling in 3 of my toes on my other foot. The aches and pains and throbbing some days are real bad. Unfortunately there is not much they can do. I’m sorry too u r going through this. Xoxo

Amy, do you have Raynaud's? I know that it can cause discolored hands and/or feet:

I went a couple of weeks with my ankles and the bottom of my feet hurting and burning. I use to go walking everyday and walked no less than 3 miles but now if I make it a mile my feet are really hurting. When they do bother me I soak them in the hottest water I can tolerate, really helps me.

Hey sunset,

NO x-rays taken? That would be my first thought, to have a good look at what is or isn't going on! Can't believe the Rheum is ignoring this, unless he is more concerned with something else at the moment, although we can only walk on our feet, with our ankles supporting us!

Guess you are going to have to insist! Ask for them, it's a start! Sorry you have to go through this!

Of course it can be fibro, but it could be something more!

Wishing you well!


Lyrica helped my pins and needles feet. Mine felt like they were going to pop, but I could not see that they were even swollen at all. This was one of the first bad symptoms I had and the Lyrica did take it away. I'm one of the lucky ones with this. Not saying it works for everyone, but it did for me.

I still have foot problems and need my orthotics and good supportive shoes. No flip flops anymore or my arches start to hurt. This also contributes to foot pain.

I think SK has a point. Get your new doc to do some x-rays. It's a good place to start.


Have you ever went to a foot doc? Sounds like planters fasciitis I have heard others have this that also have fibro it inflammation at the bottom of your foot padding.

I have pain in both feet, it's actualy a burning sensation. The best way I describe it, it's like standing on "hot" sand. I'm too new to Fybro to have any remedies.