Phone numbers. Email addies. Don't post them, please

It’s all about your online safety. We’ve said it before, and we are saying it again: DO NOT POST YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS OR YOUR PHONE NUMBER! (Sorry to be using my “outside voice”.)

You signed up with a screen name. You didn’t give details of where you live. You told about your condition understanding that it would be visible only to your fellow members. All of that keeps you safe from being identified by relatives, lawyers, insurance companies, the government and nosey neighbors. That maximizes your online anonymity and safety. And that’s the way we want it.

When you post your phone number, physical address, or your email address in a discussion, it is visible to the public and to web crawlers, scammers and spammers all over the world. You are jeopardizing your online safety. OK, maybe you don’t care. But other people see that, innocently do the same, and put their safety at risk. And that’s NOT OK with us.

By all means, if you want to trade email addresses or phone numbers with your fellow members, go ahead! But please do so safely, via a private message. It’s easy to PM:

  • tap the other member’s avatar, then
  • tap “Message” and away you go.

So: if we see phone numbers or email addresses posted, site moderators or modsupport will remove them. If you make a habit of it, we may have to suspend you. And that wouldn’t be nice for you, or for us.

Please do your part to keep everyone safe and private here.


Seenie and the ModSupport Team

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Thank you for sharing this information!!