Question for all if you can answer plus quotes

I have read a lot about Fibro but I often wonder if things that happened in my childhood could have possibly brought it on as well? I was diagnosed in 1996 but have never been a well-child so to speak. Thanks in advance. On that note, here are some new quotes I looked up

  1. Guess who got a lot done today? Not me, but congrats to someone out there!

  2. I hate it when you can’t figure out how to operate the IPAD and the resident tech expert is asleep. Because he’s 5 years old. And it’s past his bedtime!

  3. I drink coffee because, without it, I’m basically a 2-year old whose blankie is in the washer.

4.Life isn’t passing me by, it’s trying to run me over!

  1. Last week someone stole my identity. This week they demanded that I take it back!

Yes, we’ve just been talking about this here on the pic/meme-thread…

Something like 20-50% of fibromites had childhood trauma - I’d think in most cases it hasn’t been worked on by therapy. Figures vary, praps 20% is more childhood trauma, 50% childhood plus later. I’ve worked on mine, all done - but as @AussieMom suggested - praps it’s the long-term psychological stress that resulted which takes its toll and probably a mixture of quite a lot of things, in my case also divorce and swine flu as direct triggers and long-term pain from youth / childhood on from back, gut, skin, nerves, sensitivity …

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I love love love these, GramyB! #2 FUNNY & Often true! #4 & #5 HAHAHAHA!

@JayCS, you should make a picture with #4 saying on it, & put by “FMS sufferer” and post it on the “signs” thread. It could even be on the one with the “dead” guy, but I think we need a car driving past FAST - Maybe not anything too gory, just tire marks across the almost dead guy… LOLOL! (Yes, I have a warped sense of humor!) It would take me half the day for me to do – You, probably 3 seconds. :upside_down_face:

@gramybear, I had something as a child the doctor said was like shingles in an adult, but it gave me days of severe headaches. I was only 5. I would just have to stay in bed, in the dark, until it passed. But since the FMS wasn’t diagnosed until my early 40’s, idk. There are several traumatic emotional and physical things in my adult life that could have brought it on…

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I’ve often given this some deep thought. I did have a number of minor head injuries that I do feel contributed to the overall ending diagnosis of FMS later in life. My trauma was basic training for the Army and I’m sure anyone can picture that~ although I didn’t find it terribly challenging at the time. I think it was the sleep deprivation that triggered me and it makes me furious if I think about it too long. I can remember thinking that sleep deprivation would be a great torture tactic for “the enemy.” There were other child traumas as well but nothing “major.” More of an overall psychological thing.
I love your quotes and I want to thank you for making me smile/laugh~ thank you!!

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Wow - There’s no way I could do Army training! Even in my younger days, there’s just no way! It is kind of scary that they can make you go through sleep deprivation like that, Tom.girl! I guess they are training for complete control and causing you experiences you would face in combat, but it sounds like phycological torture, for sure!
There are several of us on this site who have been mistreated by someone trying to “control” us and telling us we could never make it in this world without them. Even when you get out of that situation, it can stick with you through life. We were just discussing that on another thread.

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I noticed this post and thought I should share that I too have experienced a whole childhood of psychological trauma and am also wondering if that triggered my fibro. I never saw a psychologist until after fibro began and still I do not think I have gotten the right help from the right person for it. The only physical trauma before I became I’ll was glandular fever - I was quite healthy otherwise.
My theory is that your brain gets so overwhelmed and inflamed by the trauma for such a long time that it struggles to heal and go back to its normal state, therefore constantly thinking its being attacked and then is stuck in overdrive trying to protect the body (explaining the pain and fatigue). How anyone could prove this I have no idea but to me it makes more sense than anything else ive heard.


Rosellas, I like your theory, although, after surviving a traumatic childhood, it is a shame that your adult years are full of pain, as well :frowning_face:
I can tell that you are a “thinker” and a fighter, too, to have become such a wonderful person after undergoing unhappy and stressful early years. :purple_heart: