Refused disability!

I have an appt today. I’m so nervous it’s something serious. I have no money! I initially thought maybe I had a sinus infection. But my gums and teeth are sore and ill find out in a few hours what they can do. My teeth look healthy to look at them but can feel a ridge above almost all of them and there is a strange almost metallic taste in my mouth. I’m scared to death. Just sitting here researching while waiting to get into my dentist which makes me even more scared.

First of all it is not true here in the US...UK still does i believe. I have included the bill number plus link to wiki answers which explains why they do not and few times exceptions are made if ever.

Bill is SSR 82-60 drink and drug addicts can no longer collect disability. Below is wiki site. loo

I am just going to say many people say that they just wished other understood the pain they feel every day due to fibromyalgia? That is what most addicts also wish. Plus, most addicts are self medicating because they have some kind of mental disease like severe depression, PTSD for our many Vets, or like many of us, they just are told their illness that hundreds of other Vets are also suffering from is all in their head.

So remember the rule about being kind? It is possible that man said it because he was more ashamed to say he had mental disease, or ALS, (lou Gehrig disease)..even sadder HIV/AIDS. .

From what I have heard from many people, it is common for the government to turn you down on first try. If there has been no change, payment will be retroactive from the first day you applied, so hang in there and go after them !

Up to $5000 max.

Applied. Denied. Got an attorney, got approved. Great deal. I did not have to go before a judge or anything. My attorney just called me.


Wow. I'm just shocked that you were denied. And saddened, and angered.

Do you have a lawyer helping you with this? I've heard it's easier to be accepted using one. I don't know if it's true or not but I'm going that route. My attorney said that I had a 50 percent chance of being accepted for disability it the first time. By the third time, the hearing, the odds go up to 80%. Whether that's with using the atty or not, I do not know. But those are good odds in our favor by the third time. And she told me it was important to stick it out. Of course, that's darned hard when you're broke and desperate. Isn't it?

I wish I had more to offer but I don't. They're trying to make you give up even though you're entitled to the benefits. Please don't let them do that to you.




Some dentists offer a payment plan. It's similar to a charge card in that you have to pay interest, but it breaks the payments up into manageable installments. Plus sometimes they'll give you a year of zero percent financing. That's how I managed to pay for a broken tooth last year.

Hope this helps!


So true, Dee, every single word. If ONLY those who are making these decisions for us could feel the pain for even a single day, they'd understand....


Yup, I heard this too. I was in agonizing pain with my back. Things have not got any better, in fact, they've become much worse! I suggest that you find another doctor, one who will help you with disability. It's not fair for you to work yourself until you literally can't get up anymore.

Ugh, cars!


I'm glad you like them because they're who I'm working with! Thanks, Robin!


here is how my advocate won..without ever going to court. He look for cases that were like mine where they had won SSDI. If your attorney finds a case like that it sets precedence and SSI makes a settlement offer. Even many paralegals know how to search for this kind of case...or if there is college that has law school, you might be able to get senior student to find it for you. Plus.for a lot cheaper than your attorney is going to charge.

But ask her why she has not found a case? It really makes me wonder about some of these attorneys and their ethics. i am sorry they delay it so long...i can see before when fibro was not accepted by SSDI but now it is so there is no excuse.

you are correct! i have friend who knew someone who works for SSI and they actually got memo saying for them to turn down majority of their cases the first time they come through...hopefully to discourage people from applying.

Also, older you are..i believe once you hit 55 or 56 they get more lenient about approving it since you are near retirement age. Gets easier again at 58 from even how it was easier at 55...same at 60...if you have anything wrong and you apply at 60 most get it first time they long as their doctors stand behind them. Only 2 years and than SSI can take over!

It really is messed up system...i also like to remind people who are lower income to call in person to speak to SSI representative because there are other money they can give people who are sick and under certain incomes.

that is what happen to me! i could not believe it...was less than few months he calls and says they want to settle.

but he told me....he found like 5 cases that won that people in them did not even have all the problems i had so SSi just offered...knowing they could not win once he found those cases.

Plus...since i did this 4/5 years ago..he only took 5 percent of my settlement...unlike now the 25%.!! 'sounds like you and I got the good guys on our side!! lol!

You can do it yourself....just follow time line how you got sick.. plus you have your doctor behind you it sounds like.

One thing you might do is if there is law school/college hire senior to look up cases like your where person won disability...paralegal might be able to do this as well. If you find a case that is identical to way they can turn you down! Or if you know how to look for cases...library or law library at local court house might assist you. I forgot that often they help people.

save you cost of attorney and really the paper work is not that hard if your head is not foggy. IF it is you can get a friend to help you who has clear head to word it properly.

that 25% will come in handy rather than spend it on attorney!

Petunia, my attorney told me the same numbers and I have also seen those numbers elsewhere. I got an attorney from the get go cuz I figured better safe than sorry. I wanted a shot at getting approved more quickly. I am impatient and didn’t want to wait around for a year while those yahoo’s denied, denied, denied! Hopefully, I will hear about the initial decision in a month or two.

Oh Angie, I am so sorry that you were refused disability. I have no suggestions as I have not had to apply for disability, thank heavens. But now you are frustrated and mad and that has triggered your fibro pain. Unfortunately there is no way to refuse the pain like they refused your application for disability.

hi rachel x your right the stress has triggered more hurt and i feel soo diflated , iam feeling so down since yesterday and just want to cry and run , i feel imprisioned i was just getting my head around the fibro and going to physio , but only going out for apptoitments . i didnt think i would be like this again feeling depressed and confused to were do i go from here , i will have to think hard again today and find my strenghth again , thank you for all your replys it means alot , big hugs xxx

Angie, I just read your Profile information again and I see that you have just been diagnosed with Fibromyaligia. So, though you may have suffered with it for some time before you were diagnosed, you have been newly diagnosed. And you reside in Liverpool, England so the rules about disability are likely different there than in the USA or Canada. I love in Canada. But I am not dismissing you because you are in a different country. But there are many members who have applied or are in the process of applying for disability so they will help you as much as they can.

I will support you as I care very much about your struggles. But, as I said before, I never had to apply for disability. I was blessed to be able to teach for 30 years so I have a Teacher's Pension.

I care very much Angie. There will be a way to success, but you may need to incorate some of the suggestions here. I believe that as many members have stated that you need a lawyer who is experienced in securing disability.

I met a person who was on disability for being an alcoholic[ 35 yrs old] .After waiting a year to be accepted on disability, he was paid retroactive from the day he applied.He made out so well, he bought a luxury van and drove his family to Florida for a 2 week Disney land adventure. When asked how he managed to get disability his responce was" you just have to know how to scam the government" . AlsoI should say he was not an alcoholic, he also made an income on the side. Makes you angry,does it not !

here is the link since that is chalked full of all and any information you will need to file for disability!

this link has very specific information on what documentation that SSDI is looking for in one's application for disability!! If you follow it and can prove all of the requirements exactly how they state, there is no way you will lose!

I mean with this information it is like hitting the Jack Pot not only what what to write but the proof they are looking for! This document give exact specific information what SSDI wants in your applications and the kind of proof. It just is wealth of information on how to apply, fill out your paper work plus why it is important to make good impression on your first interview with SSI person that is one on one. I could keep listing all the points it makes but instead you can read it as you are able too.

So check out this document and you will see how very specific it is and how much it is going help those trying to get disability!! With the information in it you now have very realistic ability to get your SSDI 1st time you apply!

I really hope people use it and win all on their own! If legal wording is confusing go to your public library and I am positive that someone there can assist you or librarian should know where you can get some free legal help.

Also I believe it does list some cases that set precedence .so you might check few of those out and see if person who won was sick exactly or almost exactly like you. Once precedence has been set then SSDI knows the judge has to rule in your favor so it is best to just make an offer!

If you have already hired a person than this should only speed things up! Since now you have the knowledge of exactly what your hired person should be doing. Plus, before it was you trusting attorney, now you can see if they are doing the work needed in timely way or just extending it to make more money. Sorry seen too many of them do just that..though i do know there are good ones as well. .

I hope this helps many of you. Gives you the encouragement to try and file on your own since they give you clear map to follow. I am sure that most of you could use the money otherwise spent on Attorneys etc.