Applying for Disability. . . . .Wish me Luck

On Monday I am going to go apply for disability AGAIN!

I have been DENIED 4 times, I have had a lawyer, I went before the judge and still denied! Back then I was working heavily and the judge said that my working was the reason he was denying me, because I wasn't disabled in his eyes.

Now with fibro getting more recognition as a serious condition, I have the courage to apply again. I have no other choice, I am on my lest leg with my job. It's just too hard on my body and every time I clock in I want to walk out but I can't, I have to have some kind of income.

SO once again, I am going to apply. WISH ME LUCK! I truly cannot take seeing another denied letter in the mail. I am very discouraged and I fear another denied letter but I have to try. . .

Congrats to all those who have recently won theirs. I see it and I am happy for you guys but sad at the same time. I do not want to go through another 2yrs waiting for a court date, I don't want to do that but I will If I have to. . .

Anywho. . Goodnight

I wish you SUCCESS! You deserve it Mo! Good luck! We are all rooting for you!

Good luck Mo!

I hope you get it this time ive been denied 2times and also have an attorney I'm at the Ali stage but it will be 1 year before RHE hearing my lawyer took RHE case because he said he could win it and came highly recommended by a family friend who is also a lawyer

Mo, I'm rooting for you, SuzyQ, Eeyoreluver and anyone else who's trying to get disability. I hope you all get approved now that fibro has been accepted as a disability.

I am confused though - I thought you couldn't be working at all when applying for disability? Is there a definitive answer on this?

My lawyer told me I had to stop drawing unemployment and that was a whopping $85 a week.

Gawd! That's just pathetic. I don't know how people are supposed to cope while waiting 2 or more years to receive judgment on disability?

But I FINALLY did find an answer to whether or not one can work while applying for disability. From a disability lawyer's website:

You can work while you apply for disability benefits (and while you receive benefits), as long as your earnings do not exceed a certain amount set by the SSA each year, called the SGA limit. SGA stands for "substantial gainful activity." In 2012, the SGA limit is $1,010 per month (or $1,690 for blind claimants). So it does't matter whether you work full time or part time, just that you don't earn more than $1,010 per month. This is true whether you are applying for or receiving SSDI or SSI benefits. (For more information, see our article on SGA basics.)

So there you have it, folks. I'm awfully relieved to hear this. I hope this works for you, too, Mo.

thanks for the research u did for u and for the rest of us.

hi Mo i hope u can find a different lawer to help u this time. r u planning on using a lawer on monday? if not i would. there is so much work and things that need to filled out and sent in. let them do the work for u it will b one less thing to worry about. i really hope u win with the first apply. i will b praying for u as u apply again.