Saw the new Rheumy today! Great visit!

HI Melisa - I like to respond to all that get back to me on my post. I appreciate hearing from you. You said the magic word....'validate.' I haven't been heard in so many years by the medical professionals. No one was listening to me - or they appeared bored. It was awful! Sometimes, I wanted to shake them back to their senses to get them to listen to what I had to say. Amazingly - with some of the doctors I saw in the past, I knew more then THEY did. Has this ever happened to you? These guys were so-called 'specialists' and when I would bring up a new Med or mention to them about new info on Fibro, they would look at me blankly. It made me so angry!! It's one thing for a patient to be informed - but for a patient to have to question the doctor's knowledge on something he is supposed to know about, is stunning to me!

However, one negative thing that is going away in my mind, is the feeling of tension and worry about finding the right doctor. I have been going through this for 30 years now. That's a LONG time to be worried that my voice wasn't being heard. I kind of resigned myself to it all though. It was so routine in my life that I was on 'automatic pilot' just assuming I would once again get a doctor that would screw everything up! Hug! Laurie

I think every single one of us has heard the phrase, "But you don't look sick !". That's another added stress, having an "Invisible illness", and dealing with family and friends.

You may be a mess inside, but the doctor confirmed you're beautiful on the outside - good for you!


Absolutely agree Melisa !!

Every time something new pops up, I think I'm crazy, and my family/friends think I'm exaggerating. When a doctor validates that there is a problem, I want to shout "I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK !"
(I want this put on my headstone!)


LOL - hey, that would be a very unique headstone that would catch people's eyes! I think I will follow you on that idea!! Laurie

I guess I'm not the only one!


OMG!! I am stunned at seeing an actual headstone that says that! Mine will be prettier though!! LOL Laurie