Social security for Fibro

I’m 23 and was diagnosed at 21 with fibromyalgia and many more illnesses. I recently gave up on fighting myself to try and work each day and quit my job. I have hired an attorney to represent my case and apply for social security disability. I’m terrified! I’m afraid being so young, of course looking “fine” to the naked eye, and having no income to continue Dr.visits will go against me. Can anyone please give me some positive encouragement and reassurance if you’ve been through ssdi.
Thank you all so much God Bless **

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Hi Nikki,

My name is David and I’m 36. When I was 14 I got really ill so I understand. I automatically got put on SSDI because at the time I had end stage renal failure. It does get better. Yes it can be very scary at your age to try to put all this together. Try and take one day at a time. You will get through this its just going to take some time. Where are you from?

It took me 6 years to admit I no longer had the physical capacity I had for the first 28 years of my life. (Mostly because doctors were adamant about it being something I was making up in my head.) Once I realized this, I re-evaluated my skills and looked for things I could do. With the internet, you can do a lot - from anywhere - at your pace. It’s still going to be hard work, but you can figure it out. Just take one thing at a time. Put out the fires first and then begin to rebuild something new.

I hope you can get on disability (It took me over 20 years) but don’t wait around. Even if you do, it’s such a tiny amount, you could never really afford your own place, much less meet your other physical needs without being a slave to the system. If you have any artistic talent at all, the Internet wants you, on so many levels and you can do a lot of stuff for free.

For example, there is a huge lack of photos suitable for blogs, articles, etc… that depict chronic illness. I don’t know you but you could be photographer and/or model, if that were your thing.

Do you knit, sew, craft, bake, adult, etc…? Do you write? You get the picture.

My best wishes for you. It’s a different kind of journey, full of a lot of pain, but it’s your journey, nonetheless. Do your best to live in the moment and steer clear of unnecessary stress.

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I can’t thank you enough. I really appreciate it. And yes I actually paint and will definitely pursue it more. I’ve let this illness control my life instead of me controlling it. I really appreciate everything thank you again so much I hope you have a blessed day and have more good days then anything!