Time for some Friday quotes!

Anytime!!! LOL… You can steal anything I post! Go for it!

Hi Susie! Welcome to a place where you can be who you are. No judgement. Good days, bad days. We are here for you. I don’t think I ever filled out a profile. In fact, Seenie has/ is guiding me to learn more about this site and I think I’ve been here 2 years??? We do get very silly sometimes. I’m not sure if you saw the conversation that, I think, started with Seenie? Then AussieMom, JayCS and I continued. Was Gramybear involved too? It was super goofy! Thankfully AussieMom said the “ silliness bug” would only last 24 to 48 hours. :crazy_face: I am glad you’re here Susie. So Seenie, how do you pronounce your name? Is it like Shawnee? How did you come up with your name? Oh, Susie, I thought AussieMom was from Australia as well. She’s from Oak La Homa. Oh, no! I still have the silliness bug! I butter :butter: go. :wink:. Freedom

Bella, bella, bella! The beautiful… the gorgeous… besides Sady Ann (or the other way round, she may decide) one of our forum-mascots… Can she ever forgive me?.. It would save me quite a bit of time and money, cuz I’ll need a few weeks staying home from work - aaaah - to learn this distinguished title.

What does MISS stand for btw? - This is getting so sillily and much too long, it doesn't deserve to be read.... But in short: Majestic... ah now you might as well click on this and read on, don't want to spoil-her:

Being a modern dog (not me, her), I shouldn’t think it means Miss, because how can we dare assume she is unmarried or more on a dog-level: never had sex?
I’ve looked around and these seem (al-)most fitting:

  1. Mississippi? No, Oak là home-a.
  2. Future Wife? Probably not - Any plans? - and it might easily change…
  3. Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery? Sure hope not.
  4. Make It Simple, Stupid ?- That’s very unfitting. (trying to make some mileage here)
  5. Mothers and Infants Striving for Success? Well, sort of fitting, but too complicated.
  6. Make It Sound Special? Ahhh, there we have it…
  7. Milestone In Street to Success? Of course, of course. After we manage to get up.
  8. Moms In Super Shape? Always…
  9. Motivation, Information, Skills and Support? Sounds more like the forum-title.
  10. Mothers in Sympathy and Support? Ditto.
  11. Make it Special Sunday? Yessss - but Bella makes every day special…
  12. My Inner Supreme Self

So: “Make it sound special Bella of the Living with Fibro community.”
No, that sounds phony now. Special is good. I’m not gonna get any help now, I spose?, because everyone else can call her Bella… Secretly special? Whooops no. Of course openly special. Special secret? Supreme. Wait a minute aren’t ships called something like MSS? Ah: Majesty… getting closer… Majestic in Supreme Specialty. got it!
Well: In any case we’d MISS her if she weren’t there.

Ripped this off my blog - still haven’t sorted out how & why it got there… but my blog’s confusing me at the moment anyway. :crazy_face:

Mother of an Australian for a second… Then Australian Mother for another… But I guessed an Aussie is the avatar-dog quickly. What I didn’t know was that it was a toy. So I did a few hours of research to find out what is more probable: That a real dog could write such enjoyable stuff, or just a toy one. The odds were even.
Ah, AussieTheDogMom is right. I understand. I understand.
I’m now trying to get my brain round whether the Aussie is Australian or not. It seems contradictory and even perhaps - pardon the insinuation - untruthful to assume he or she is not.
DogMom: Human or dog? :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:
AND I HAVEN’T EVEN GOT UP YET! - praps I’m dreaming a kind of Alice in Wonderland-dream…
with a mad Aussie toy dog -
but who of you two is Alice and who is Bella…?
and what will happen next?

Ehm: slightly mad, only slightly mad… :-} :shushing_face: :flushed: To quote Queen. Can Majestic Bella sing like Queen Freddy, btw?
But “We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.” “How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.” … "Most everyone’s mad here. You may have noticed I’m not all there myself" " to quote the disappearing Cheshire Cat.

Ehm 2: It’s not Saturday yet, as I’m still in bed. So it’s still not that untruthful considering the thread-title.

Oh my, JCS, but the silliness bug has bitten you all over!!! hahahah
Yes - Bella says she forgives you and is now quite fond of you :heart_eyes:. (what can I say? She’s a fickle girl) And, you are correct - Australian Shepherds are thought NOT to be from Australia… But we can’t call them Un-Aussies, now can we?
As for my user name, some of your suggestions are a little “out there”! Australian Mother makes me sound like I gave birth to the country - LOL.
Hopefully, by now you are awake and have realized that all of this was just a dream! Thanks for the laughs, my friend! :grinning:

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That proves it - if you were an Australian Mother you would have said ‘outback’ - or no?

Oh and give little Bella a kiss for that :kissing_heart: - I’m fickle that way, too… :wink:

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And “Outback Mother” would sound just plain WRONG! Like I raised my kids in the back yard or something…Hahaha (However…my back is out pretty often…Nope - just wrong!)
I don’t think “Naming things (or people)” is really your calling, JCS. But it is rather entertaining! :rofl:

Dead right, this is the only level I manage: Clowning around, squirting with water guns, slipping up on the puddles and tripping over my own feet. Have to leave real wit to GramyBear’s quotes…

Love the quotes Gramybear! I don’t have ducks anymore, but I do have chickens. They like to swarm around my feet and will follow me around like I am the Pied Piper. LOL When I am not outside it’s a different story - scattered willy-nilly around the yard, flighty, always getting sidetracked. Much like me when the fog gets to thick! :roll_eyes: :rofl:

And welcome Susie! Glad you joined the group.

Struggling, we had chickens when I was young, but one day my dad chopped off their heads and I was supposed to help my mom pluck out the feathers. I just couldn’t do it!! I think I managed to pluck one (not one chicken – one feather, LOL). Not long after, we were all at the dinner table, and I asked why my sister wasn’t eating. Mom said, “It’s because we are eating her chicken.” :chicken:

AussieMom - I can well understand that! My ex couldn’t eat eggs or chicken after his mom helped us butcher a hen. My grandparents raised rabbits for many, many years. One time when I was visiting them I was sent to a neighbors for the afternoon. I came back in time to have supper - some of Grandma’s good fried chicken (or so I thought). Wasn’t till after I told her that I sure loved her fried chicken that I learned what had happened to the rabbits I had been petting that morning. LOL Sure did me in for any more supper that night!

She would be quite surprised and I think pleased that I eventually learned that skill and passed it on.

When my 3 were still at home we butchered a lot of birds and a few pigs - that was our main meat supply - and they all learned how. My oldest daughter did best once they were inside and ready to cut up. My son could handle some of that, but did best with grinding meat for sausage, packaging, etc. My youngest daughter had no trouble with butchering - start to finish - and still helps others in the community anytime they have butchering days. It’s not my favorite task but I still do some from time to time (the grocery needs dropped drastically after they all left home. LOL). We almost never plucked feathers though - we skipped that process and just skinned them.

Wow - Your whole family would survive in the wilderness, while I’d probably be eating poisonous berries! :grimacing:
While I was reading your post, I thought, someone will be reading this thinking that sounds like 2 gals from Okla. and Ks talkin’ Hahaha -They’d be right! :cowboy_hat_face:

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