
I hope everyone is doing ok i haven't been on due to the havoc caused by my husbands wreak . he is improving and in physical therapy .

My new doctor decided that she wanted to diagnose me her self with my list of issues and after the last exam she did have me with Fibro and we were still on the arthritis belief , which I was told for years was what my joint pain was . After some xrays of the worse joints it showed mild arthritis in two spots in my back but none anywhere else . Not even my hands . At the same time some of the labe work came back with a high RA reading , off the chart SED rate , now the mystery began . More tests came back , 3 ANA tests came back positive with high reading and waiting for more of those .At that appointment I was put on a Muscle relaxer twice a day and slowly my muscle pain left and as it built up in my system so did the joint pain . I woke up this morning with only slight pain in my back and no muscle pain , nerve ending pain at the top of my back and hip pain . But my legs at weak as they always have been but now more noticeable .

A friend of ours who is a micro biologist working in a lab , says my blood work points to MS and is positive . She said that is why the muscle relaxer worked so well . I talked to the doctors office this morning and they will not discuss it Til the rest of the the ANA tests get back which they said would confirm the diagnosis. i am trying to be calm but I am not good at waiting . I am angry the all other doctors have presumed arthritis and fibro and never checked further . i am Afraid for the health of my children and grandchildren . My farther died if Schleraderma an auto Immune disease , i know I don't have that i know from his side was RA and my mom side RA .

I wish you all to feel as good as possible and I will try to be on more . I need to be I am not in a good state of mind with this .

Suzanne, I wonder all the time how many members of this community have an underlying diagnosis that has been missed -- MS, Lupus, Crohn's, EDS, Lyme. I hope you get answers soon. There are new treatments for MS coming out all the time, which is good news. Please keep us posted.

I hope your wait isn’t too much longer, think that is one of the hardest things…trying to be a patient patient, as it were, when all we want is to know for definite what’s wrong. As with all conditions each is particular to every individual. I know several MS sufferers who manage really well with the right meds for them.

I’m sorry…take test, wait for test, take more test. I hope you get answers soon and know what your dealing with…it is so frustrating not knowing. I feel your pain.

Suzanne, this information on the ANA test may help guide your questions for your doctor when the results come in: http://www.healthline.com/health/antinuclear-antibody-panel#Overview1

Nykki vent anytime I am venting right with you . I got a call from the doctors office yesterday to let me know what they are thinking , They are now leaning more toward Lupus . The rest of the tests aren't back and I have been in this mystery since last Wednesday. I pushed it today and learned a lesson . With pain only in my hip and my legs weak which is better than what I used to have (hurting everywhere ) I decided to vacuum two rooms . i ended up with severe pain in the lower back same with the hip . weak legs and dragging my right i couldn't pick it up , My arms were tremoring and all total i was a mess . I am so frustrated i don't know if i want to cry or scream .. I do love you all for being here for me .... The phone just rang , another call from the Dr. the last test is due in , they just got another one . I am definitely ANA positive but they won't say with what and they said the head Doctor wants to treat me when the last test comes in . Add scared to my frustration...

Thank you everyone it means more than you know , Nikkie you are in my prayers and all you have to deal with made me realize to stop worrying . you have far more on your shoulders than I do .

The doctor finally called and won't say Lupus or any other title for this only that I was ANA high positive for a autoimmune disease and that it is treatable . I have to go to the main head doctor in their office on the 9th and she will go over my results and reveal what it is and decide if I need to go to a rheumy or if she can treat it . When I looked up the final test results all together it is lupus and sojourns. They still have me listed s active fibro and arthritis as well ? So on the 9th I will find out more . I hope everyone is doing ok or the best possible . Don't over do it .. I love you all

Hi Suzanne,

I will pray for you, I know you can face whatever comes your way. We are all here to support you. Hugs.