What Do You Take to The Dr.s Appointments

My first Appointment with my Rheumatologist I had all my medical records that I could gather. I had a note book that I had wrote all the things I wanted to ask and a list of what was going on with me...I also had every X-ray and MRI I could find... I had records from the Physical Therapy... I had everything I could think of... and he actually went through the mass of papers while I was talking about what my issues were... ALSO a list of ALL the meds you take... even over the counter meds. the dosage and how often.

Now I keep my note book and write symptoms and concerns and today he made a copy of that to put in my file...So I will continue to journal my pain and symptoms or just concerns and every visit I take out the notebook and he and I go over it thoroughly...one thing at a time.

My Rheumy actually told me he liked that I write everything down. He said I was smart!!! I laughed and told him to say that again because that is something I do not hear everyday!!! LOL I am BLONDE at the roots!!!! Now I am going to go find a better book to journal all this in. Yesterday I had wrote a list... I am sure I can do better than a list. I believe as I journal and then highlight the problems or concerns on a daily basis and then make my list from those highlighted segments that my list will become more effective. The highlighting will also help me to remember the things I need to talk about.

I did so much research on fibromyalgia and have read through many group boards. I did not think of this on my own! LOL I read what other people were doing or advise people gave others and added my own thing. We all have to understand and take control of our health care. If I find myself where I cannot return to my job and Disability is my only option left than my records will have my limitations and concerns in them in my own hand writing. like the fact that I have carpal tunnel and my hands and my hands hurt or my finger swells. I had a Migraine and tossed my salad... how often I sleep... how I feel on a daily basis. I do not like the rate your pain from 1-10...but I try not to exagerate and probably don't rate it high enough... I imagine a 10 would be the kind of pain where I would be screaming to go to the hospital...the most excruciating pain ever... I sure hope I never reach a 10 on my pain sacle... Hummm... I need to start another discussion on the pain scale...for me trying to rate my pain is difficult... AND the pain varies from place to place. Geesh... I babble too much. LOL

Hope I have helped, Belinda

Keeping a note book is great. I am glad your doctor is going over it with you. This will be a big help in your care.

good stuff. i also bring my lists of concerns that i want to cover in the visit. my doctors ( the ones i keep) are all good with this.



I think you've hit upon just about everything necessary to bring to a doctor. Job well done!!!

You know, it's awesome that your doctor actually went through the paperwork. Really awesome, considering how limited their time is these days due to insurance companies squeezing their time/appointments. But you did the right thing and it's great that you've shared with us the important things to bring along, if possible. Some doctors now have links to your paperwork, thanks to the net, but if not, this is great stuff.



My first appointment with my Rheumatologist lasted for hours...i would say i was back there with him for at least 2 hours. Everyone who sees this Dr. knows if he has a new patient... he takes his time doing his diagnoses...but even still he takes the time to go over my notebook...I was just suprised when he told his nurse to make a copy of that and put it in my file. I am happy with this Dr. and I guess you can see why.

It's also what you take away from your Dr.'s appointments. I make sure after the Dr. goes over any test results with me that I have his office make me a copy. I find it helps so I can review them while out of the Dr.'s office and keep a history of results so I can compare and contrast. I have been on tramadol since 1995 and it's worked well, but one thing I am sure it has done is to do damage to my liver. My liver enzymes about a year ago were 3x what they should be. We formulated a plan to try and lower them. Over the next few months they were back to normal, for me, maybe 10 pecent over the high end. But no 300%. Then another test came along and it show my liver enzymes were back up. But only 200% this time, but he thought it was still a drop compared to my one that was at 300% high, he did not compare it to the one that was "normal" I pointed this out and he sent me in right away for an ultrasound. So be careful. You have to be so diligent. BTW if find out my results from my ultrasound tomorrow. A bit worried as both my parents died from liver cancer, even though my Dr. said it was not genetic I think there is a genetic link on how you liver processes toxins and you can easily go from just high level of liver enzymes, to fibvrosis, to cirohsis to liver cancer or failure can take many many years but best to catch it as soon as possible.

Anyways sorry for the additional rambling. Just wanted to point out to also take away as much paperwork and even MRI DVDs or whatever you can, it's your health, your body, your life......

Wow! You are very lucky that your doctor went through all the things you brought him. I did that for my first appointment, but in the doctors never look at them. They won't even make a copy for files. I keep the information for myself though.