2nd time here!

This is only my 2nd time here, and reading these discussions amazes me, till i look and signed up for this, I felt like i was the only one in the world who felt this way, wish i could make friends and family understand. The pain, the fog, the hopeless feeling, the helpless feeling, the knowing that this will never go away. That chronic means FOREVER!! My mind never stops! and to boot i have ADHD.. talk about a fast rolling fog you can't see through!...And Dr.s? OMG!! are there any out there that actually listen to what you say? Today has been a bad day, alot of crying, and what others would call feeling sorry for myself...I am thinking i need to find a counselor this is all new to me, well kind of, think i have had it for a few years but just got diagnosed in July..Sorry for the venting. <LMP>

Glad that you joined us!!! Sad that you are having such troubles!!! M

Hi, hon. Thank you for posting. Please don’t ever feel you need to apologize for venting. We all are here to help each other through. I am sorry you are in a rough patch but please know you can reach out here and lean on us. Someone is always here to listen and share the load.

Strength in numbers.:slight_smile:


Hello. I have felt like you many, many times. I don’t think we feel sorry for ourselves as much as we are just really sad about about our situation. And tired. I think finding someone to talk to is an excellent idea. It certainly couldn’t hurt. We know something is wrong with us but when we get that diagnosis, especially something like fibro that’s chronic with no cure, it’s very overwhelming. Hang in there, vent anytime, your definately not alone.
Best wishes,

hi new friend . just sending you some HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS

You hang in there. Today will surly pass and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you. We all here know exactly what you are going thru. Remember you are not alone. Lots of hugs Sabrina

Hi, I know that first realization is hard. It took me a while to find the right doctor too after being diagnosed. I think I finally found one worth sticking with. Sometimes you have to know how to state your case to them too. I have learned when it comes to fibro fog, especially for someone with ADHD to boot, it might be a good idea to write down any concerns or questions you may have for your doctor before your visit so you know what you want to say and don't forget anything. I am glad you found this site. It can be so helpful in so many ways. I hope your doctors can find the right treatments for you. Try to keep this in mind, having a chronic illness does like this does not mean your life is over. It means a new chapter in it is beginning. You will still get to do some things that you enjoy. Some things will need to be altered, but it is far from over. We are fighters. We are survivors. We are here for each other.

Ohh when I got my diagnoses I was ecstatic!!!! Finally a name to all my pain.... mine came with a BUNCH of bursitis and other things and that list keeps getting longer...BUT NOTHING that I am going to die from. Just things that rear their ugly heads and make me feel bad...or sick...or weak...Then I go to "Dr.Fixit" and get Depo shots..or some other shot and it feels better for a while.

At some point I started realizing the depth of my diagnoses...and began asking myself WHY am I trying to fix something that cannot be fixed? I had a rant about that on the discussion boars and the people here were so wonderful in being there for me...I know I am a moderator but even WE have our daisy downer days and have to get things off our chest. I believe for folks with Fibro we need people who understand what we are going through and they most likely know what stage of the process we are in. The experienced Fibro Folks have bee through it... they know, they relate..The newer Fibro. Folks can understand you. We are each in our own stage of the Journey. No matter what stage, we all are here to support each other in the journey.

As for seeking counseling, I myself am thinking the same thing... not only to help me through my journey but to deal with a few things from my past...Depression is a tricky beast and if you are feeling like you are depressed PLEASE seek professional help...do not wait. We have all seen on T.V. what Depression can do once it takes it hold...None of us want to see anyone reach that point. I am making my appointment in the morning... will you please do the same... it will not hurt either one of us... but to do nothing could.

Finally we cannot make people believe we have Fibro all we can do is educate those who what to understand and for those who don't we have to cut them loose. We do not need the added stress of people who want to stay in disbelief... then we have those who what to understand but really don't...they LOVE us and try to help us by pushing to hard. I am still trying to get my Husband to stop pushing me...I just stopped telling him how I feel and stopped allowing him to push. He cannot feel how I feel and I cannot get him to understand...big sigh....I just give him THE LOOK...and walk away!!!