The wildfires are out of control and I can barely breathe in my own home, even with A/C. I changed the filter yesterday which is relatively new and it was filthy already. So many are being evacuated. I have the news set to record every hour it’s on for updates. I’ll be back soon! Love and Hugs to all.
Oh no!!! I’m so sorry, gramyb! I’ve been watching the news on the CA wildfires and it is horrible. Please stay safe. Sending prayers your way!
We have been in a evacuation warning for 2 days but so far, we don’t have to evacuate. I packed up as many things as I could and what I thought would fit in my son’s car!! But so far, the winds have died down. But the winds near the fire are much stronger which is worrisome. We had bad fires in 2018 and 2019 but nothing like this! And we are only half way through the fire season! Hugs
gramybear, I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this terrible time! I’m really concerned about your breathing even though you have changed the filter and have the a/c on. Do you have friends or family to stay with for a week? Even though you haven’t had to evacuate, I want you to be safe and remain as healthy as possible. Big hugs!
Freedom is right, of course! If you feel you need to go stay with family, to improve your breathing, I hope you can do this. I’m also worried about the stress you are under. I know that stress and anxiety will always make my fibro pain worse. Do what your doctor suggested, and find times you relax your body and take deep breaths.
Keeping you in my prayers. Please continue to give us updates! All my best!
Be safe much love my prays are with you x
Thank you so much for showing your concern, it truly means the world to me. I actually have it better than many in my mobile home in this park. At least all but 3 windows are double pained. I worry about those on oxygen and have the old window frames. My oldest son has been evacuated and staying with another family. I’m watching the news at 5 am, 7 am, noon, 6 pm and 11 pm. And watching the live feed from our Sheriff at 6:01! I promise to keep you guys informed. Thank you again, so very much… Big hugs for you too!
Thank you also, AussieMom! I had to walk to the grocery store this morning but wore my mask. And I only go out to take Molly out for her “business”. I haven’t seen the sun in 2 weeks so I’m doubling my Vitamin D! My eyes burn, my throat hurts and my breathing isn’t the best. I don’t have COPD or any lung problems as I don’t smoke… Well, not technically! Apparently I am now!! Sorry, I had to lighten up this serious concern! Thank you again sweet lady. Love and Hugs
Ok grammar, stupid auto correct do I have to drive from Illinois to get your little butt and Molly to a safe location??? Don’t make me have to drive 3 days straight!!! I’m sure leaving your home would be hard. I had a beagle named Molly. Your Molly can’t wear a mask. If your eyes and throat hurt, it’s time to leave. You both are precious and I don’t want either of you to have to suffer. Your health will suffer too.
I care. Can someone pick you and Molly up Today? Do you have a place to Stay? Please keep us posted gramy bear.
So, Freedom, since Oklahoma is on the way, I guess you can pick me up to help drag GramyB & Molly out of their house…That way, whichever one of us is in less pain can drive…Or, if we’re both in bad pain, we could flip a coin…(This could turn into a mess!)
GBear, we love you! Please stay safe!!!
Your words mean a great deal. Thank you so much
LOL… You actually made my day girlfriend! Once you get here I’ll do the driving! I use to drive a bus in San Francisco so I think I can still handle it! LOL
Still on evacuation warning but I think we are going to be okay. Would be even better if the wind stays away and the skies would clear of this unhealthy smoke! The winds are supposed to be quite bad this coming Sunday thru Thursday which is a big concern. I gave Molly a treat a while ago and she threw it back up quite quickly. I’m wondering if the smoke is affecting her too. She’s too little to wear a mask. I let her do her business and we are back in. I’m surprised at the people out walking their dogs in this.
I’m watching the episodes of 9/11! I watch them every year and every year I cry throughout the shows. I think I’m even more sensitive today than I normally would be. I hope all of you are safe. Please hug your loved ones and tell people how much you love them because life can end as quickly as it appeared. Love and Hugs to you and everyone on this site!!!
Ok AussieMom, so if I leave right now, it will only take me about 15 to 18 hours to drive to Oklahoma. Of course, that would be if I don’t make any stops along the way! Mmmmmmm. I hear those people in California who have dogs named Molly are pretty stubborn.
Please, please take care of yourself and little Molly too.
ROTFL!!! That is too cute!!!
Unfortunately, my family has been evacuated from their homes. I’ve started wearing a mask outside when taking Molly to go pee, etc… She is so darn slow and has to smell everything!! Drives me crazy. LOL
I WISH Molly could wear a mask. I know the smoke, even being outside for 10 minutes or so is effecting her. Yesterday when I gave her a treat, she threw it up. However, her treat today stayed down. She wants out for her walks so bad!! I use to walk her 2 miles each day but now she’s stuck in the house!!!
Aussie, you and Freedom are just too funny. I bet you guys would be a blast to hang out with!! LOL
hahahaha Freedom, this was my first actual LAUGH for today (I’m behind in my laugh therapy, obviously…) YES -those Molly owners are the MOST stubborn! (But, also, the most resilient & inspirational!)
Oh no, GramyB! I’m sorry Molly got sick! You will both be so much better when the smoke subsides. Sending more hugs & prayers your way - Stay safe!!!
GramyB, is there anything you can’t do?! So far, I’ve learned you drove a bus, ran a marathon, do continuous work on your home, still exercise while dealing with fibro…You’re my hero! Stay safe!