Hello everyone. The crazy lady here! LOL

How is everyone doing and feeling? We are having extremely strange weather. It’s December and we are still having fire advisories! I don’t think California HAS a fire season anymore, it’s more like year-round now. Yesterday it was 75 degrees! Today it’s 65. So strange, to say the least.
Does anyone else deal with depression due to their Fibro and other health issues of course? I sure do. It sometimes comes out of nowhere and I often wonder if they go hand and hand. I still deal with PTSD due to being attacked by the Pitbull but there are other factors as well. Do you guys want me to look up Fibro quotes and post them or just stick to funnies? I’m here to help however I can! I found some good ones yesterday so I’ll share what I have. It’s still hard to use my two fingers from the bites but I try!! I hope you are having a great Tuesday!

  1. If someone is driving you crazy, stop getting into their car!

  2. Silence is often the loudest cry. Pay attention to those you care about.

  3. “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean”

  4. Stop petting my peeves!

  5. “That’s a horrible idea! What time???”

  6. Why would I pay to visit a haunted house when I can wake up to my child silently standing by my bed at 5:00 AM?

  7. I’ve decided my 2021 will start on February 1st. January is a trial month!

  8. It may take a village to raise a child, but I swear it’s going to take a whole vineyard to homeschool one!


LOL, #1 - very philosophical! Love it! Also #3 - wonderful! #8 - So funny AND TRUE! HAhaha #6 Don’t kids do the darndest things?! Thank you, GramyB! Love these and LOVE U :purple_heart:

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Had to think about #5 longest and laugh about #6 longest… ehm… still am chuckling…

BTW: As a sort of “Englishman” in sort of “Cologne” (and not “New York”), could I ask if you’d ever come across these expressions in a US-guide book?:
“The most simple hot dog is just a dog in a bun.”
“The New Yorker is the traditional NYC dog.”
(Sposed to be serious, not fun, but to a Brit/German it sounds strange-sick-funny…)


Well, I love you too sweetie! And I’m glad you enjoyed them. I should leave a couple more?

Well, I am not sure if I’ve come across those expressions but they are true, right? A hot dog IS just in a bun. I’ll have to look up more like that!!

Thanks! :slight_smile: - But a *hot dog isn’t a *dog, I’d’ve thought, even tho it’s called one? Don’t you always have to put ‘hot’ before the ‘dog’? Like you are doing now? Or is ‘dog’ a word for ‘sausage’??


Here are a couple of things I found online, googling “Why is a hot dog called a hot dog” LOL:
Here’s the first: :hotdog:
References to dachshund sausages and ultimately hot dogs can be traced to German immigrants in the 1800s. These immigrants brought not only sausages to America, but dachshund dogs. The name most likely began as a joke about the Germans’ small, long, thin dogs. In fact, even Germans called the frankfurter a “little-dog” or “dachshund” sausage, thus linking the word “dog” to their popular concoction.
Here’s the 2nd: :hotdog:
The credit of naming hot dogs goes to a sports cartoonist for the New York Times, Tad Dorgon. Hot dogs were called ‘red hots’ or ‘dachshund sausages’ before it took its current elusive name. When vendors in the New York Polo Grounds in 1901 were screaming, “They’re red hot! Get your dachshund sausages while they’re red hot!”, the cartoonist observed and drew barking dachshund sausages in a warm roll. He didn’t know how to spell ‘dachshund’ so he simply wrote ‘hot dog!’. This cartoon went on to become a sensation and the term ‘hot dog’ was coined. Although the historians have been unable to find a copy of the cartoon, the term was already in use in the 20th century.

Who knew?!


Yes, please! :pray: We need them every day! Or, every day that you feel up to it, my friend! :purple_heart:

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Ahhh… that rings a bell… in Britain they’re called “sausage dogs”… and Germans will laugh their head off about this connection: Sitting at the source, and I’m sure no-one knows this!
Thanks for looking that up, that’s really interesting!!
OK, now I’m checking wiki En + Ge:
The German wiki says that “hot dog” was already used once in 1895, so before the strangely-no-longer-existent-caricature.
The English one says:
“The term dog has been used as a synonym for sausage since the 1800s, possibly from accusations that sausage makers used dog meat in their sausages. In the early 20th century, consumption of dog meat in Germany was common. The suspicion that sausages contained dog meat was “occasionally justified”.”
That would answer my question, if I could believe it… :smiley: (The first sentence is stated not proven, the second is ‘proven’ by US-sources…) This is gonna cause quite a stir, or “make some waves” as the Germans say… !

I’m wondering if “dog” then comes a little bit from “dachshund” (“Dackel”),
which btw means Badger-hound - good shape for badger-holes :-).

OK, I’ve confirmed it, eating dogs was let’s say ‘not uncommon’ after World War I… banned 1986 (banned in the US 2018).


I have no clue! LOL… I don’t eat hot dogs at all because of what they contain!

LOL JayCS, I had highly doubted that eating dog meat :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: was common in Germany in the 20th century! They should check their sources before writing something like that!!!