I’m working on coming back little by little. The weather started to warm up which has always helped my Fibro and depression but bam!! The weather went from 80-90 to 60 degrees and we are expecting rain, thunder and lightening tomorrow all day.
My mobile home park is like a “Payton Place” and people want to involve me in their drama. I want none of it! That is why I’m a hermit so much of the time! I’m not sure how I’m going to handle it quite yet. But I won’t tolerate drama and rumors, whether true or not.
I am going for my Cat Scan and 6 minute walking test on the 11th of May. I asked the lady who was helping me if walking 45 minutes to my appointment would affect my walking test. She paused as I could picture her jaw hitting the floor! She then laughed and said, I have no idea!
I stayed with my ex for 8 days as he was feeling suicidal and I was worried. I probably wasn’t much company as I didn’t feel well enough to go anywhere but I guess knowing someone was there for him, helped. Before I close this post, I’ll see if I have any new quotes. I haven’t been looking them up lately as my moods are all over the place. I so understand those who not only deal with Fibro but depression, anxiety and the other mental issues as well. But we are strong and will get through it! Together.
I hope these quotes are not downers for anyone. I’ll get back to looking them up. Right now I’m doing a lot of coloring and my friends all want me to color one for them. My unprofessional work! LOL
If you ever feel like you just want to give up, just remember there is a little boy or girl watching…who wants to be just like you
Waiting so see how long it takes this police sketch officer to realize I’m describing him!
I’m not the type of person you should put on a speaker phone!
When I was young, I used to watch two raindrops roll down a window and pretend it was a race.
5.You don’t need to pretend to be okay when you are not okay. Can we stop reserving the word “strong” for people who “power through” and “get on with it” when what they really need is support and compassion? It takes true strength to be vulnerable and honest about your emotions.
- I try to take just one day at a time…but lately several days have attacked me at once.
7.Never mind the padded room! Give me a trampoline floor with bubble wrapped walls and a Velcro ceiling.