Feeling Bad

I don’t understand, it rained for like 3 days and although I had my aches and pains yesterday the sun decides to shine and I got out and went to the movies & done a little shopping, well this morning I woke up and could hardly move!!! I was so stiff and achey, I don’t mean to whine about it but I think this whole Fibro crap is really strange!! I’m sure everyone has the same experience and knows exactly what I’m talking about.
I also have the “dreads” my 2nd disability hearing is next Tuesday, I’m trying not to worry but that’s just who I am I reckon, I’ll be fine when I get there! Please keep me in your prayers, Lord knows I need them!! Hope you all have a good week!!

Hi Sharon

This rain has been horrible. I worked one day and spent almost all of yesterday in the bed and we are supposed to get more rain this week. Try not to worry to much about your hearing. I will be thinking of you.

Thanks guys! I will be sure and let you know how it all goes.

Prayers sent your way


I will be thinking about you as you go thru your 2nd hearing.

Jackie S.

Sharon, we have all been in your shoes feeling better because the sun is out and doing things that long ago we would have done and not been practically incapacitated the next day. The reality of fibromyalgia is that we don't always know when we have overdone things, overextended ourselves. But we don't want to opt out on everything that is fun so choose to go out and do some fun things knowing that there will be payback. So, keeping that in mind, you won't be so exasperated when you wake up the next day so stiff and achy that you can hardly get out of bed. This happens to all of us.

So, your second disability hearing is set for next Tuesday. You don't know that you will be turned down so why dread and worry about it. That won't change the outcome. Maybe next week you will be granted your disability! So, don't waste your worry on something that you have no power over.

Gentle hugs


Thank you Rachel:)