I hate to whine but today I just hurt

Today I woke up and my back hurt. Now my hair feels like to weighs 10lbs which is making my head hurt. My neck and shoulders hurt. My arms feel like they are dead weight and just hanging and hurt. My lower back hurts which makes my legs hurt and my ankles hurt. Its probably just the rain but I have too much today today and this weekend to be in this much pain. Just wish it would go away!!

Thanks for providing me a place to just whine.

Gentle Hugs to everyone,


Stacey B I hope the weather clears up and you feel better soon. It helps to have a place to come to where people understand.

Feel better soon

If you just had some cheese,you got the wine. ;)- Something i just started doing after 25+yrs is put ice and water in a hot water bottle and put on the back of your neck.Helps neck pain and headaches.I wish you the best. waynebo

Hi Stacey!

Whine away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wish we had crackers to go with the whine. :-)

Rain is HARD to deal with when you have fibro. Every part of your body goes on alert; each cell seems to fill up with pain as the barometric pressure changes. I find that if I rock myself, either in a rocking chair or not, it helps to distract me from the pain. (I've told my family that I'm in a bad way if I'm rocking or the foot is jiggling. I guess it's a good way to use up calories.)

Thank God that rain is only temporary and should be gone soon. And it's summer, unless you are in Australia, in which case it's not. I find that the warmth makes it possible for me to get up and do a few things. I hope you get a nice and sunny day tomorrow and your fibro loosens its grip.

But come by anytime you need to rant. This is a GREAT place to come and rant.



I hope you aren't being sarcastic about your hair hurting. I always thought that was just a saying, until today. I was trying to explain to my mom how it felt. I really didn't think it was possible for hair to hurt, but after today, I am convinced it is possible.

I was going through previous discussions and found one titled, my hair hurts. I am so glad that I found this web site. It is nice to know that I am not alone!