Good morning. I have been in sooo much pain the last few days. I am home alone most of the time with no one to whine to. I do not have much family or friends. (I moved away from my old town two years ago…how do you make new friends when you can’t work, socialize or even move most of the time?)
For the most part I can usually grin and bear it, but every now and then, the pain just seems intolerable. Yesterday was one of those days and today I just want to cry and whine and yell “this is not fair!”. I know you all understand.
Ok, now I feel better. Thanks for listening!
do you belong to any particular church /? Maybe if you could get to one sometimes you can start to make friendships.
Or even call up your local hospitals. I once attended a live support group that was help in a hospital. it met once a month.
i would try to get there whenever i could/ aside from that one i went to one other one at another location. I did come out of them with 3 lifelong friends. I said in another post it was 2 but just remembered i went to this other one so the total friendships i made was 3.. all the best to you and big HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS
I am sorry that your pain is so bad right now. I hope the flare ends soon. My daughter lives in California and had moved there 2 years ago from our home in Ohio. She joined an online site called "Okay Cupid". Apparently it has an area on the site regarding friendship. She has met many people in her "new" home state and recommends the site to any in need of reaching out for companionship. I just wanted to mention it in case you might like to check it out. I don't know if the name of the site is spelled exactly like that, but if you Google it, I am sure you could find it. Best wishes for a better day today!
Yes, I am currently seeing a Rhumetologist and a sleep specialist for my fibro. I take Norco during the day and Trazodone at night. The pain is just worse than normal these days. Could be I’m doing too much or this crazy weather. You know how it goes. Lol. Thanks so much!
Best wishes,
We are hear to listen and support each other. My children live on the property with their families and I still feel like screaming some times. You are not whinning you are expressing emotions which is a good thing.