
The day of pain. From my lower back to the back of my knees. I feel like a stiff statue. Is it because of the work I did around the house yesterday? You know it's bad enough that all I want to do is sleep. Yesterday was a good feeling day. I wanted to take advantage of what I could when I could. Was it a wrong move?

Hi,I know what you are saying, my good day's or day I try to catch up on what needs to be done. Yes the pain I have been hit with a double whammy this week, had some blood work done and I have a underactive thyroid, add the fibro fatigue and I am toast. My whole body has been rattled with more pain than usual this week.

Sorry , I am venting big time. I hope that it soon all gets better even a bit soon...

Oh well, gentle hugs to you too, I know I have to try to stay positive, but sometimes it gets so hard.

Thanks for listening to me complain


Well, maybe not "wrong" as much as aggravating your condition. I did something similar, vacuuming out my car for 45 minutes. Does this next part sound familiar? I can't squat or bend down because my knees and legs are screaming. My knees feel like stumps that I'm walking directly on instead of my feet. I have searing pain in my knees as well as a grinding pain. Everything hurts x100 to prior to the vacuuming. And, of course, it hasn't yet let up, more than a week later. So it's not exactly "wrong" to exert yourself but you WILL pay later. And it's not always clear if the payment will ever end.

Hi Vicky,

Yeah, it is frustrating to experience fibro symptoms. They hit hard and fast.

i am really sorry that your body's hurting like this. It's hard to go through. Feel free to vent here. i think we feel better when we do.

Hugs to you,


Hey Vicky,

I am also Fibro and under active thyroid Iknow how you feel with the fatigue. Almost everyday is a fight not to nap. And in my case pain in my neck down my shoulders and back. I want to be positive but it's hard. Never be sorry for venting. We all need to vent. It's hard when know one can understand how we feel. Some want us to just get over it.

Little do they know it's not that easy and it's real.

If you you ever nrrd to vent come find me :)

Thanks everybody for listening to me vent..I do wish I could feel the strength to go out somewhere but just too tired. I live on a farm and went for a couple of short walks, felt good at the time but now I wish I would just of stayed in bed. I am usually a happy person, but this last month has been hard.


Hi Jessc,

It's a sad truth that by the time we have a good day, we have months of work piled up on us, and the stress of the mess makes us want to tear in and get it done! Bang, before we have even accomplished everything that needs to be done, we're down and out!

Rest up, feel better, we all understand! Hope you are better very soon!



Actually I've been having issues sleeping lately. I was up all night tossing and turning. Then my 3 yr old woke us up 3 times last night. I in pain my husband was so kind to deal with her even though he gets up at 5am. I had even told him I wish it was just time to get up because I couldn't sleep. Then around 5:30am I finally woke up for the day. Thinking I may gey some peace with some coffee and new while my kids were sleeping. I was wrong with my daughter up right behind me by 6am. Lately it's like I can't win.


That sounds very familiar except my pain is mainly directed on my back.....But yes in my legs to as I squat down to do something. And being day 2....I'm still suffering. This Fibro life is such a lonely life to have. I'm so glad I found this site.

Thank you all for listening and understanding.

You're certainly welcome!

Oh yeah, my back hurt too after the vacuuming but it's hurt sooooo long from the fibro that i forget to count it anymore. At any rate, my point was that doing chores that are seemingly simple can knock us for a loop. It's frustrating when you want to get something done and then you end up in so much pain.

It can be a lonely life, or you can always talk to us fibroites! We're here for you. We DO understand your loneliness, frustration and pain.

Hi Jessc, you are so right !!! We over do it when we are feeling a tiny bit better because we don’t know when we will feel up to doing it again, and then boy do we suffer, I went for a message about a month ago and for some crazy reason the next day I had all this energy, not sure if it was the message or not, but thw energy was this burst out of the blue, have not had it before& unfortunately have not had it since ( I really need to try that message again ) but anyway when I had this burst I started cleaning out my garage… Huge mistake !!! Wow did I regret it, it took weeks to get back down to my normal everyday pain ( how sad is that )
Your not alone !
Hugs & blessings


Yeah, it's taking me that long to get over vacuuming my car. It's interesting to see that fibro can take this long to recover from. I knew of it taking days but weeks is a new one to me.

Massage made me feel better for awhile, Dee. Until I went back to work pushing patients around in wheelchairs. If I had the money, I'd definitely do it again. You might find it beneficial too, judging by your first trip.

Whew, that's tough, Jess, with fibro and a toddler together. It's kind of like having triplets.

At least you have the hubby too. It's helpful to have a second person to fall back on at times. I really feel for you young mothers with small children and fibro. You must be saints because I'd be pulling my hair out.

I wish for you some restorative sleep tonight.


Hi Vicky!

Sorry you also have the thyroid deal with, but glad that you finally know it and it can be treated! That should help you feel better! Vent anytime you need to! We are glad to see you on the boards, taking part! I hope that they are taking good care of you, and you can begin to soon notice a difference!

Wising you well,


Dear Jessc,

Please keep a running note of symptoms, this could be very important since the Dr is in the process of a diagnosis. Sometimes the most insignificant thing can be so very important!

I have a 2 year old great grandson who loves to come and stay, my heart goes out to you, I know how much energy it takes to keep up with them! It is the dearest age, but it requires untold energy and patience! They won't stay that little for long!

The best way for me to sit down is to get the water colors out and paint, he loves to paint! Will sit for hours and paint and is just so very proud of his work! My refrigerator is just full of his master pieces! ha! Stickers are great to occupy then too! Hug that little one for me, I love the babies!

Wishing you all good things!


SK, I am sorry but I have to be a bit nosy here. How old are you? You look too young to have a great grandchild.