
I've been hurting a little more everyday since Christmas. Oh why did I work so hard? At the time I was doing it I felt so good, tired but good. Now I'm paying for it. I've got more company coming sunday and I just don't know how I'll do it. I've got to go lay down and take some pain pills, same thing I did yesterday...

I usually do the same thing. I am thinking ... wow, I actually feel pretty good. Then, I do everything I can think of to do without even thinking about fibro. That afternoon or the next day I feel pooped and achy as all get out. I think sometimes when we feel pretty good we take too much of it for granted. :) I always have to remind myself periodically to take it slow, and if it doesn't get finished today, then there is always tomorrow! Hope you start feeling better soon!

Hi Charlie. I'm sorry that fibro is attacking you today. Fibro loves us when we overwork. Fibro likes to take a big CHOMP out of us whenever we overdo it. Learning how to pace ourselves helps. Of course, there will always be times that we overdo it but pacing is so important for us.

Please feel better soon. Try not to overdo it for your company. Consider buying premade foods. They're quite tasty and do the job!


On top of the pain I have terrible nausea. I've not heard anyone else with this problem. When the pain is bad I feel very sick to my stomach, often to the point of throwing up. Several years ago when the vomiting put me in the hospital, they took out my gall-bladder and said this would fix the problem. It didn't. I've heavy duty meds for it but I seem to develop an immunity to them after a short time. Any ideas to help this would be great, I can't get anything done when I feel to sick to move. Thanks for listening, :)

I think high levels of pain can cause some nausea but what you are describing sounds like something else, especially if you are to the point of throwing up. Could it be from your meds? I don’t know. I have gotten to the point where I attribute almost everything to fibro (for myself) but this is one thing I would definitely go to the doc for and I would encourage you to do the same. Hope you get some answers and feel better.

The nausea started before the fibro, when I was just on the lupus, srojens, and raynauds meds. The nausea didn't start till after I'd been on the above meds awhile. Plus, I've had all the tests (they put cameras everywhere), and they never found any cause except gallstones. I don't know what else to do except learn to live with it. By the way, as of today I'm feeling alot better. Thanks for you reply, Charlie :)

Charlie, what are you on for Lupus? A lot of those meds can cause nausea. Sorry you feel lousy. I hate being nauseous - it's one of the worst feelings in the world.

The only things I'm on for lupus are plaquenil, adalat xl and nexium for the stomach problem it caused. And like I said I was on them awhile before the nausea. It actually started after I started my last job, I used to take gravol just to get through my shift. Charlie :)