Horrible pain

Hey everyone, normally I try my best to think of something uplifting to offer for my fellow fibro fighters, but today I definitely need some encouraging myself. My pain is at an all time high. I think I have broken through the pain ceiling - I have never had pain like this before.

I woke up today drenched and I mean drenched in sweat I was in so much pain. I was literally grunting and moaning trying to get out of bed the pain was so extreme. I couldn't even turn my waist from side to side. After some meds the pain has gone down a little, but my pain is still at an extreme. I am at a loss to know what to do, any suggestions or kind words would be greatly appreciated right now. The fibro has COMPLETELY drained me and made me so depressed at the moment. I just don't know anymore, what I wouldn't give to feel half way normal again.

God love you, Ahava. :( If you woke up sweating - you are in bad shape. I know because, I get like that too when I over do it the day before. I'm on dilaudid for my pain and I double a dose when it gets too bad. For me it's hit and miss when I get like that. Sometimes I can walk around my house and that helps to loosen the muscles up.. other times, it doesn't help at all. A good hot bath soak in epsom salts has been known to help some people. Aspirin is another trick I do. I don't know if it's because it's an anti-inflammatory or because it thins the blood. What ever the reason is - it does help to lower my pain.

The only other thing I do is absolutely nothing. And I do mean nothing. I will rest and lay on the couch with a heating pad most of the day. Quite often a good day of doing nothing but, rest helps to "reset my clock"... so-to-say. :) That's an old saying isn't it? Now I'm showing my age .. lol

Try not to get depressed over it. I am very sure it will run it's course and you will be back to normal again. Well, your normal that is. I learned a long time ago not to let it get me down. Sometimes you have to go with the flow. Even when it stinks.

The way I look at is - I'm not hurting because I broke my leg or any other bone in my body and I am not bleeding to death. That's the good news I tell myself. And.. what ever is causing this extra pain I'm in - it IS going to go away. But, I have to listen to my body for it to do that. That's the pep talk I give myself when my pain gets unbearable.

I hope you feel better,


sending you loving , healing thoughts,prayers and HUGGGGGGGS


I dont know you at all, and don’t have any advice…just (((HUGS)))
Hope you have someone who can help take care of you and you aren’t afraid to ask for help.

.....sounds like u had an interesting Easter. Probably over did it Honey. Try to get that bod in a hot as u can take Epsom Salt bath & soak for at least 20 min. That sweat must be itchy from all the toxins on ur skin. After ur soak try smoothing ur skin with coconut oil. Go back to bed, have a cup of tea & relax or sleep. U should be ok in a day or two depending. Hope u feel back to ur old self soon. (((hugs)))

{{{Gentle Hugs}}} Ahava, I hope your feeling better.


Wow my heart goes out to you. Please try a warm bath. That is the first thing that I can think of to do when I am feeling that bad. Turn on some relaxing music, and drink some hot tea while soaking. I know you are sweating but the warm water is so soothing. It should loosen you up. I pray for a cure and all of our pain to go away.

Gentle hugs to you today. I hope you're feeling somewhat better now. Those pain-intensive days ARE miserable, no two ways about it. And I have two thoughts:

1. Do you have an adequate amount of pain meds? Or do you need another type of med for pain? I think you should beat down your doctor's door to get an answer here. If he can't help, find another one to ask!

2. have you been tested for other auto-immune diseases and any connective tissue illnesses? These things seem to go hand in hand with fibro. You might have a co-existing issue going on that needs attention and medication. Again, time to beat down the doctor's door.

I know I've not offered a lot but I hope it helps you. Please keep writing if you're still in pain. We're here to listen! That's our job and we love helping others to feel better.

gentle hugs


Sending you healing energy and many long distant hugs. I hope you are feeling better very soon.


Thank you for all the support, everyone! I really do appreciate it. It is always a comfort to be reminded that even though this disease is horrible, we are not alone in it. The advice and open ear you all have means so so much to me. The pain has finally subsided more, but it is has been a very interesting and particularly painful stretch this time. Left me pretty exhausted, but I guess the upside of that is that I have finally slept more haha. Have one day off today and I'm going to do my best to just relax and let my body get some rest. I get restless but days like this are really important for recovery.

Thank you ALL so much for your kind hearts and taking the time to respond to me, it really does mean a lot.

Blessings and prayers