I must be having more of a flare than I thought. At first I was just more tired than usual, then the rain came for several weeks. Along with that came more symptoms, sinus, jaw locking, sore throat, ears hurting, more sensitive to touch and even more tired. Now I’m depressed with all the above. And I still have all the things I put up with daily,shoulder, leg feet, hands,hurting,fog,twitches, itchy skin.
I have only been diagnosed since November and am still learning when it is a flare and when it is just another day. Some days are worse than others but this last month has been just more than one should have to handle and I don’t think I have it as bad as some… still i work full time but that takes everything I have on a good day.
Between the weather and stress I am fibro-ed out!
Ok sorry for the petty party! I’m just tired.
Thanks for listening.
Oh im so sorry you are having a tough time *gentle hugs* I hope you feel better soon.You are an amazing person to be working ,i cant work ,im just not physically able to be in full time or even part-time work.Good on you for working.
hi M52
It is hard to be dealing with all those symptoms and working. I send you much love and healing prayers with
Thank you both for the hugs. I am feeling better today. Woke up in a much better mood.
Hi Mom52, I am strongly affected by the weather too. I know it’s going to rain before I see it on the news. My fibro just goes off the chart when it gets cold or rainy. All I can do is lay in bed under a heated blanket and cry. And I live in Southern California. How do fibro people in other places endure the winter? I do know winter as I grew up in the Northeast, I can’t even imagine taking a trip there now.
Hi there,
Weather can be a real problem for us. I find that rainy days really make me ache badly, snow days do too but not as bad. Cold days are awful and warm days are usually okay. I think this is how it is for most fibroites, although I could be wrong.
And you may develop a complete line of must-have fibro symptoms that are new for the season and only cost $9.95! No, but seriously, fibro symptoms can rotate. For example, I tend to choke on liquids in the winter, plus get asthma (didn't have it before fibro,) stiff and swollen fingers...and then they disappear for a while, only to return again next winter. Hopefully your new symptoms will go away for awhile or even go for good...but I personally think that fibro is progessive.
I hope you're feeling better by now, mom52, and here's a great, big {{{{{{{HUG!!!!!}}}}}} for you!