Weather and Our Fibro Flare Ups

Most of us have heard or know the grandma like wise tale stereotype of feeling when it is going to rain or snow in our joints, but I know that over the last 3 years, although I was only officially diagnosed with fibro over the last few weeks, I have been a human barometer. I have severe fast spiking pain flare ups that come as soon as the weather destabilizes. Today was a day of very active weather here in NY and as fast as the sky went pitch black with a fast moving thunderstorm, was as fast as my pain went from a 7 to a 9, and that is only because I refuse to admit to 10's as I believe it can always be worse. The interesting thing is that my pain spiked before the storm came and this has been a normal pattern for me. I can watch the week weather forecast, and as long as the weather guy is right, hah, I can predict roughly whether or not I may be able to walk, much less get much accomplished.

The pain does not limit itself to joints, it covers the full gamut. Deep intense muscular, bone pain, radiating nerve pain, stiffness, etc. The only thing that is predictable is that if the barometer is unstable, either up or down, I am going to suffer. Does anyone else feel this? Has it been attributed to the fibro or is it somewhere still in the lines of arthritis?

By the way, I have been treated for arthritis since I was in my 20's as a result of many years of my severe eating disorder.

Yep, I hear you mmom, this grandmother knows, I think I will DIE when big Noreasters or something like when hurricane Sandy blew through here!

And it's the LOW pressure that gets us, my Chiropractor explained that it makes the body expand, swell and thump! I agree to the thump! For sure, for real!!

Big storms hitting Renie in upstate NY, suppose to be hitting us tomorrow! It will not be good for me, we need rain but not this kind of mess. Last week it was like the artic circle here, heat cranked, long johns, heavy wool socks, turtle necks, Fleece jacket, the past few days, hotter than hell! I went to the Dr at 4 this afternoon, it was 89 degrees!! These big swings in temp cannot help us either!

When my arthritis is bad, my fibro is bad. Everything was bad today, even my blood pressure was high, and it was pain. From the upcoming storms? Probably, it's at least a big factor!

I feel for you sister! My heart goes out to you if you were treated for arthritis since in your 20's. I hope they can stop the progression, are you on a biologic?

I am flat on my sofa, just telling myself to try to breath to get through the pain because that is the first thing I forget to do when in the worst of it. I cannot take anything because, I still don't have much to take! It is still raining now and I know I will get no relief tonight. I had to stop taking the meds they were giving for arthritis because they landed me in the Cardiologist office! After that, I went on a "I give up, to @#$ with them all, the docs" and really since then and only until now, my doctors no longer take my pain seriously. I have not figured out how to stand up for myself and my needs in each office yet.

I so know the feeling. We’ve had rain and lots of it for the past 5 days and the pain hasn’t let up. Thunderstorms galore and now saying maybe snow here in Wisconsin on Friday. I am so wanting warm weather that I’m ready to book a vacation but I feel too bad to do so. I have been able to predict weather ever since I had back surgery in 1992. But in the last few years I get the “anticipation blues.” I get really down and the muscles start to ache.

Last summer the really hot and humid weather we had put me in a flare for 3 months! Body just couldn’t take it. I should be paid better than the meteorologists who are right about 50% of the time. Maybe all of us with Fibro should be weather people? Weather must be bad because we are out sick - beware!!!

we could totally take over for those guys. They have been so wrong lately! I understand the anxiety...but I am also so new to this that every season is still progressively getting worse. I already know that the heat comes and my migraines triple up, bp tanks to dangerous lows and I'm virtually useless to anyone. We are definitely seeing an increase in sudden weather changes like big thunderstorms, etc. Those kill. I feel rain deep in my bones. There is no relief, I lay, cry and take it because that is all that can be done.

Ohio isn't much better with the weather. Our motto is "if you don't like the weather, stick around for a day, it will change". It's been 50 one day 85 the next. My neck, shoulders, arms and now upper legs are feeling it too. I much prefer the heat over the cold, but when mother nature can't seem to make up her mind is when it hurts the most. I, too, am newly diagnosed (about 2 years ago) but have suffered for years not knowing what was wrong. I work in the medical field and just thought I hurt from lifting patients all day. How wrong I could be. You're not alone.

YUP! It is raining here in Rhode Island and I am in alot of pain tonight (9-10). Just took the pain meds, so hopefully soon I won't feel like I'M the lightning bolt. lol The weather really does make a difference in how most of us feel.

I very strongly believe that we are weather forecasters. Sometimes when we have just wind my body feels like it is being tossed from one side to the other.

Big time flare tonight, I live in Canada and it is raining with snow mixed in...Not good but not too much we can do about it.


i have to remember to breathe too. i am like u i dont have anything to take other than cymbalta which doesnt help much.

u need to get your drs to listen. if not find new ones. u shouldnt have to suffer just because they will not listen to u.

the weather here in Il has been all over. we went from cold to warm to back to being cold. we have had lots of rain along with many storms. my fibro flared right away with the change. i made my mom jump cause we were watching a movie and i kinda jumped and inhaled strange in response to the sudden pain i had gotten.

i had to keep taking deep breaths to get through the pain and the spasms that came out of nowhere. i finnally made it to bed where it took forever to get to sleep.

our fibro does change as far as our pain when the weather changes. if u suffer from migraines the weather can have an effect on those too. before joining this site i had no idea how much weather played apart in how we feel and how we suffer.