Dealing with cold weather?

Hey everyone,

I am sorry if this has been brought up in past fibro conversations, but I am in loads of pain and need some advice/suggestions right now.

Where I live it is mountain weather, meaning the weather is completely unpredictable. This seems to throw my body from "ok I can manage my pain for now," into "I need to take refuge under my electric blanket and curl up in the fetal position." its always 0 to 100, especially during fall and winter.

Does anyone else go through this? I am so nauseated from pain and spasming today that I seriously feel like I could vomit at any moment (sorry for that pretty image), and nothing I can think of is seeming to bring my pain down at all.

Mountain people, how do you cope with the changing weather? Does the pressure and humidity affect anyone like it does to me? I would love some suggestions PLEASE.

Note: I will welcome suggestions or advice from anyone, I just say "mountain people" because in my mind it seems probable that if you are in the same kind of atmosphere, you might have particular advice on how you personally handle the constant changes in weather.

Thanks everyone.

Blessings and prayers <3

Hello Ahava31,

I'm not a mountain person (tho I live up a hill), but from UK, enough said! Seriously, I do feel for you, and sorry to hear that you suffer so much. Just sending my warm thoughts and good wishes.

Take care, Anne

Hi, Ahava, I don’t live in mountains, but the weather where I live (New England) is notorious for rapid changes. Polar fleece hats and gloves and a sturdy down coat have been tremendously helpful in keeping me warm when I commute to work. Also regular light pressure massage therapy from a certified therapist really helps me with spasms and muscle pain as do warm Epsom baths. I hope you find relief soon.

ugh i feel you. i live in NYC and its not mountain weather but its all over the place, especially this time of year.

i'm a BIG fan of those patches that you can stick to your body in painful areas. they have menthol and other topical stuff in them. they aren't an Rx- just over the counter.i buy them at the pharmacy and stick them on my trigger points. they give like a hot/icy effect that helps me when i flare up and can't get other help (massage, acupuncture, et cetera.) its sort of like a portable heating pad. i have a very physically demanding job so i carry them with me everywhere and stick them on my body whenever needed. my coworkers joke that they know i'm coming from the minty smell. (i guess there are worse things to smell like!)

good luck!

Thanks for the well wishes and advice everyone, I really do appreciate it. I am almost always wearing clothes that would make a person not suffering from an auto immune disease sweat like a maniac, I really have to be warm at all times. I never thought about the icy hot patches though, I definitely think I will give those a go. I bought some oil that was recommended to me by my rheumatologist to use on trigger areas but I absolutely hate it because it has to be in the fridge. And as I said, anything cold especially on my trigger points is a no from me.

I do really appreciate the well wishes and suggestions. Hope you all are having a less painful day!

Blessings and prayers

Tiger Balm also works well at “warming” sore muscles and it has a great scent… I think.:wink:

I also love the Tiger Balm and I like the smell. I tried different patches till I found one that works for me their are several out their so try different ones till you find one you like.

Thank you all for the suggestions, I will look into warmers and see if my body responds well with any.

I sometimes take a hot water bottle inside my coat when taking my kids to school… I too dread the winter it makes me ache all over and feels right down to the bone you can’t explain to someone how it feels to dither on the inside xx