Good news to share

My son and I both got negative test results back on COVID. The doctor still wants to find out why I’m having so much trouble breathing and having other symptoms.
How are all of you doing? I’ll be back later with some new quotes. Hugs to all


So glad to hear that you got negative results! Hopefully they can figure out why you are having trouble breathing though.

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Hi Gramybear! I’m going to put my nursing hat on for a minute and then recommend you see a doctor. Here are a couple things to bring to your doctors attention. You were in the middle of California’s wildfires. Even inside your house, you couldn’t get away from the smoke. A dog bit you and your finger has never really recovered. You could have an infection in the bone that never healed. You have a toothache which could be infected. As infections get worse, they can cause all sorts of problems with your body including difficulty breathing. Gramybear, I’m not telling you these things to scare you. I’m telling you these things because I care. Whenever I go see any doctor, I write down the questions I have ahead of time. And then I leave a space between the questions to write down what the doctor said. I have Fibro fog. I will turn around and walk out the doctor’s office and think, what did he/ she just say? What? :thinking:


Thank you for the information, I do appreciate it. A few people brought to my attention that because I’ve had a leaking roof for a long time and nothing ever fixed it, that maybe it’s mold. The leak is in my bedroom and because my bedroom is so small, I can’t really get out from under sleeping under the main leak. A dear friend came over and repaired the leak, for now, it did leak for a lot of rainy months. I asked a doctor (PA) about it and he said there were no tests he could do. It would explain a lot!

gramybear: Good to hear about the negative tests!
There’s no blood etc. test, but my doc had a room test done for the most common room mold type - I just had to tell him what color the mold is (black), because there are many sorts and testing all would get very expensive. I had to put a petri dish in the room for 24 hours, and it turned out negative altho there definitely was mold in the room, meaning that the room air was probably not that contaminated.
Praps a smell-sensitive very good friend could smell if there is mold, feel the walls/panels for dampness or even find it behind the furniture somewhere. As it’s coming from above it should be easy to see or find and also the risk of mold is much less, because the dampness can dry or at least spread out better. Also helpful is if you air/ed the bedroom well without letting it get cold. Especially as it’s a small one. Whether you are sleeping under the main leak or not makes absolutely no difference, it’s the concentration of mold spores spread in the room air.
Mold is a killer, so it’s vital to get it out properly and as soon as you can, of course. And airing for 5-10 mins every hour with window/s wide open, if they are small best with a ventilator. Opening the bedroom-door would increase the draught, but also spread the spores into the rest of your place, but that might work if you open all windows and doors at once.
It then also might be interesting if you haven’t been doing that, but start now. Or what happens if you sleep somewhere else. If your symptoms go down or not. If they don’t, then the ‘best’ explanation would be that it’s not the/there’s no mold, the worst, that the mold has already done some damage to lungs and oxygen system.

My mold test was looking for an explanation for my stiffness & Ache 6-7 years ago… O.o

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I’m glad to hear that you’re both negative for covid. It at least helps direct you slightly more in what direction you need to take. You definitely need to get ahead of some of the current issues.

Sharon from ModSupport

Gramybear, that is fantastic news! How is Ms Maggie doing these days?


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GramyB, so glad that you and your son tested negative! It is also great that your doctor is going to look more into your other symptoms and help find solutions. Hang in there, my friend! :purple_heart:


My Psychiatrist lived in a home with mold and she said she felt as I do. She and her husband had to move immediately. However, that is not possible for me. I have an appointment with her on the 4th so I’ll mention it again. Hugs

Sady May is doing wonderfully! She is such a blessing!

So glad to hear! I read on the other thread that Sady watches TV. That’s so funny. We’ve had one dog that did that, but the others never showed any interest in the screen. Our friends’ dog barks at dogs on screen. Not horses, not cats, no, it has to be a dog (big or small, breed doesn’t matter). How do they do that?

Sounds like you and Sady May are a team. Awesome!


PS glad you’re back, and relieved that your absence was a “technical” malfunction, not health related.

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Thank you! Due to very little sleep the past 2 nights, my posts will be short but I’ll make up for it tomorrow!! LOL
Gentle Hugs!!!

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My son swears we don’t have mold but I can see little tiny black spots on the ceiling in my bedroom and that roof has leaked so many times. So much that I had 3 or 4 pots in there at one time to catch the water. I can also see the ceiling sagging. How can there NOT be mold up there? I did paint my entire bedroom and most of the ceiling with a mold killer paint and then painted with a nice color over that. I did the same in my bathroom because that is another problem. That bathroom only had a tub and my son has the master with the shower. So my two sons put a shower head in the tub for me to use so I would have a shower of my own. I think there is mold behind the wood or whatever that material is surrounding the tub. My Mobile was built in 1968! I stopped using it as a shower and painted it, then sprayed water-resistant spray on all the walls, THEN, painted it again with the mold killer paint and other nice colored paint. I really should get another gallon of mold killer and do the ceiling two or three more times. My very sweet neighbor came over and sealed the roof the best he could. So far I have not leaked during the rain! Thank you, Lord!!!

Hi Gramybear! Do you have renters insurance or homeowners insurance? I don’t know but it might cover any or all repairs to remove the mold and fix any leaks. Just an idea?