Just a quick update

I had a second COVID test this morning so I can go have my second chest x ray and breathing tests done next week. This came on so suddenly. I used to walk everywhere and now it takes everything out of me just to go the store and back. And of course I walk Sady 2 or 3 times a day. I hope to be back soon and praying everyone is doing okay! Sending love and hugs to all


Hugs and prayers to you Gramybear! Oh, and give your little fur baby a hug from me. :dog2::heart::hugs:

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Hi, GBear! :blush:
Thank you for letting us know how you’re doing - You are missed!!! I’m glad you can have your tests done and so sorry that you aren’t able to get around too well right now. Please continue to let us all know how you are - We love you!!! :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

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Hi, Grammy glad you are getting your tests done praying all goes well for you and you feel better soon. Hugs Annette Moderator.

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Sending healing prayers

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Thank you so much. I just got my results back this morning. Well partly anyway. Apparently I had Pneumonia but the second chest x-ray showed it was gone. Not sure how that works but I’m okay with that! Then I had a breathing test. Long story short, there are abnormalities showing up with my lungs so I’m going to be fitted for a oximeter for 48 hours and also see a Pulmonary Specialist on the 18th of March. I quit smoking in 2006 and stay away from second hand smoke but apparently that wasn’t soon enough, IF of course, that is the cause. She did say that my lung abnormality could be due to my heart OR vice versa. One step at a time I guess. I can’t take statins so I use Red Yeast Rice, Niacin and CoQ10. Even the doctor I saw 2 days ago said Statins are poison. It didn’t help that my last doctor told me I am a time bomb for either a heart attack or stroke due to my high cholesterol. However, my doc this morning said my HDL #s and my Triglycerides aren’t that bad at all, just my LDL #s are high. So I will work on that. I will keep you all updated as I go along and hope to be back soon. I’m not in a very good frame of mind at the moment and I"m also helping my neighbor move from one Mobile into the one next to me which will take another week or so to finish. Cleaning really wears me out and causes my pain to get bad. And the one she is moving into was filthy! It took me 7 days to get it clean enough to my standards and more importantly, hers! Love you guys and I miss you all so much!! Please say hi and give hugs to the new members please? Love and Hugs to all

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Hello Grammy Pneumonia you could have done without that it is nasty and can leave some patients with very nasty lung problems from it your second x-ray results means that the Pneumonia has cleared up now the other tests they are going to do is to check if any permanent damage has been done to your lungs from having it.I know you are being kind in helping your neighbor but you really should not be doing it or be near excessive grime or dust till your lungs are fully checked out.you are pushing it too much with the state your health is in at the moment .I pray your other tests bring back good results. Take Care of Yourself. Love Annette


I finally remembered what the doctor feels it is. It’s called Pulmonary Fibrosis. If it is, I can almost bet it’s caused from the fires and all the toxins left floating in the air and landing on us for the past 3 years. I’ll know for sure how bad on the 18th of March so I have to try and keep myself calm as my anxiety is now over the top! I can’t help it! Big Hugs

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