Thanks for all of the messages, I'm just not feeling well, not sure if it's the UTI, the antibiotics, if they're working for me, against me... Not sure if the Enbrel has lowered my immune system too much. Plan to get to my Internist Monday or Tuesday. He is only about 5 or 10 minutes away, he and his wife have cared for me for years.
With this high cholesterol coming out of the blue, I think I want him to check my thyroid again, but he will know best.
Have been very tired, shaky, and irritable, to top it off, my husband, who is in Washington state visiting his best friend, fell ill and was not able to return home, keep down his meds, then ran out of his meds, he is at the VA hospital in Portland Oregon at this very moment, so whatever it is, I know they will care for him, check him out, stabilize and give him his meds.. I have had to do a lot of talking to get him to go.
His best friend is a retired Paramedic/Fireman, so he is in good hands, he took him, but I still worry. He is getting terribly close to the 9-11 date to be flying too. I want him well, very well before he gets on a plane, and I don't want it to be Sept 11.
I'll be back when I'm feeling better.
Wishing all of you well,