Thank you all for the messages. Hopefully I will go home tomorrow. Then I will be able to catch up with all of you. I am of all my regular meds and the doctors are discussing what I will be going home on. I have pneumonia, my lupus has affected my kidneys my joints are swelled and aching. And being a nurse I can say we make the worst patients I think I scared a new nurse to death and really upset her when I told her if she couldn't wipe the behind of the lady in the next bed she needed a new job. Nap time. They moved me to a private room and I got a new nurse.
It's good to hear from you. I can well imagine the doctors thinking about what meds you should now be on as you have many new problems to deal with. Hum, perhaps they would want to keep you another day so as to see how you respond to the new medications.
Yes PB, the breathing treatments are hard work but important to clear out the pneumonia you have. Perhaps it's a case of dealing with one thing at a time and when there is some progress there then start work on another problem.
The lupus and its affect on your kidneys may take longer to work. I don't know how serious it is. Hopefully it's not reached the point where you need dialysis. But it is what it is and finding the appropriate treatment is the key.
I'm happy to hear from you, but oh, I'm not happy to hear about the pneumonia, so glad you went to the hospital. I hope they can get everything straightened out, and get you WELL! With this affecting the lungs, kidneys and joints I am surprised that they are letting you go this soon! I hope there will be someone at home to take care of you as well as you take care of your loved ones!
The PT will do your Mom nothing but good, they have done wonders with my Mom in the mending of the broken hip and regaining mobility and strength!
LOL on the student nurse, my youngest granddaughter is in college right now, with her aim to be a nurse, she was here last night and I was teasing her about having no aversion to any aspects of nursing, but to be scared to death of a 'stink bug'! ha! We all have our phobias!
I also went through a confrontation with one of my Mom's nurse's aides about how poorly they washed her bottom, so I hear you girl! I told her that my Mom has been hurt, and until she heals a bit, that she is relying on YOU to keep her clean, as if YOU were hurt, and she was caring for you, she would surely keep you clean! I also keep an eye on her care and thanked all of her nurses, aides, PT and OT's for taking such good care of her, and that I will see them tomorrow!
You stop worrying about 'getting caught up here', just get your health caught up, we want you WELL!
How are you doing today? Are you making progress with your breathing treatment that wears you out? What are they doing for your lupus problem that is now affecting your kidneys? And now I cannot recall the third problem area. (thanks a lot fibro fog!!)
Sk took to task one of her mother's nurses for the exact same reason!! That is unconscionable. It's no different than making sure your baby's bottom is well cleaned. Do we mothers like this job? Not particularly, but it is part of the caring for a helpless infant so you just stop breathing through your nose and breather through your mouth. If you do not do a good job you are going to have a cranky baby with a sore bottom because feces just loves warm moist places to make this area very sore.
Good for you and SK for taking to task the nurses who were shirking their responsibility.
I will be here till at least Thursday. They did a tone of test today and I will see the doctors again in the morning. All the progress I had made since being of work will have to be started over. You would think with all the steroids I would be up running circles around the room. I have slept all day. Thank you all for the kind words.
Rachel the doctor said after all the test results are in dialysis may be needed. I hope not.
I am glad they are keeping you in the hospital until at least Thursday because they need to monitor how you are doing on specific meds.
How is the pneumonia doing?
It sounds like you might have been a bit rundown. That can easily happen if you are dealing with many invisible illnesses.
I am also glad to hear that you slept all day as healing takes place when you are sleeping. It also means that the pain allowed you to sleep. I know when I am in a lot of pain I can't sleep!
Lovely graphic, PB. We care very much for you and want only the best for you so stay in the Hospital as long as your doctors agree that you should. Going home too early could result in a relapse and that is not good.
PB, please, PLEASE don't be too concerned with catching up with everyone. Everyone here is uplifting you in prayer, and sending loving, positive healing energy your way. The power in prayer and positive energy can be amazing.
Thank you for all that you do. Just know these health obstacles will become stepping stones eventually. Let others help take care of you this time around.
Your priority has to be you right now, and it is alright!
Rest. Relax. Heal. An RX from (I'm Not A) Dr. Perplexed.