Hi Freedom!
Get ya! I think it’s a question of finding and adjusting triggers in our environment.
I can very much relate - I have very similar problems with soft and hard, hot and cold, blankets, getting too cold at about 3 or 4, and the pains. I don’t know if you’ve seen my older thread on this, below?
Mattress: I need a hard mattress with a thin soft topper (a thicker one didn’t work was too soft), plus a lambskin under lower back and thighs (unrest and pain). Also 2 pillows and a hard cushion (see wakers-thread).
Hot/cold: I start with a cold shower to bring unrest and pain down, but hot water bottle if necessary, which i can place where I need it most (feet or between knees) and leave the rest cooler. (If I need a second one at night I heat the 1l water I need to a certain noise, not to boiling, so it’s faster and not too hot. I like its heat more than electric types and the synthetic materials that come with them). I need a thick duvet, usually wrapped under my feet to the middle and a thin duvet from the middle up. When I need less heat I push the thick duvet further down.
For the local pains I use various stretches and exercises in the daytime or before sleep or at night, plus arnica cream. For the Ache: cold shower (or wash) and the hot water bottle.
My own sleep challenge at the moment if you haven’t seen it on my blog already is the histaminey allergic symptoms in head, nostrils, burning sinuses, dry mouth, dry & sore throat, sometimes belly & nausea, which is a case of food triggers, taking the right supps (I’m managing without the antihistamine) and airing the room every time I’m up anyway…