Appetite control

I’m on 60mg Cymbalta and 100-200mg Gabapentin. I started both meds in August and I have gained 20lbs on top of the 10lbs that I gained post hysterectomy (March 2014). My appetite is out of control. I crave chocolate so much! Any suggestions to help diminish my appetite? This excess weigh is making me so depressed.

Hi Aberry, I understand how frustrating it is to gain weight. I also have had issues with appetite and craving chocolate (I am on Gabapentin). I find that drinking lots of water (I just carry a water bottle and drink small sips frequently) helps. Also, I try to eat a high protein snack in the mid morning and afternoon (usually nuts). I find that about 15 minutes afterwards I feel better and have fewer cravings. I also carry sugar free mints with me so I can "treat" myself thru the day without as many calories. Hugs.

I agree with Auburnm. I also had some luck taking Garçinia Cambogia. But chocolate is my weakness , so I got sugar-free dark chocolate covered almonds and indulge on just a few now and then. I am down about 8 lbs- no sugar or processed foods / whole foods. My pain always gets better with lots of hydration. Good luck! Also, allow cheat days where you can have a little of your fav. food or you will over-indulge when you deny it to yourself.
Best ,

hi! i agree and concur with the the others!! all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Mothertime, please read about how bad diet sodas are for your body. Maybe make lemonade with coconut sugar or stevia. I drink water with sliced cucumber and lemon and it tastes so refreshing. My appetite has decreased since I got off the gabapentin and I've lost a bit of weight. Chew trident gum a lot. Nuts are great.

Sounds good. You'll find a diet and rhythm you can live with and makes you feel better.

Sometime suggestion an anti inflammatory diet. Haven't looked into that yet but makes sense. I'll let you know when I find out what it consists of our have any of you tried it?