Unsure of the right choice

So when I saw my internal medicine doctor, he informed me that the gabapentin I take has me gaining alot of weight. Also it can be causing my memory problem. I want to get off of the gabapentin cause the weight makes it harder to get around. Just looking for a little insight. Any thoughts are welcome

I went off mine...caused more issues than I had in the first place. I have lost 13 of the 30 lbs I gained. I have been off for about a month. Gaba made my vertigo much worse and I has severe migraines. I say yuck to that stuff. I do not know what I will do for treatment, but, not that

i was taking gaba for many years for the gran mal siezures. my doc tried to increase the dosage to affect pain relief. i dont remember why but i was not able to go on a higher dose. i found a neurologist that i like and he tried me on lyrica for the seizures and pain. I put on a lot of weight with lyric so i got off that. I am taking Vimpat for seizures but not sure it helps for pain. if you are not taking the gaba for seizures but for pain there are other drugs that one may try.Discuss with your doctor. best of luck to you.



I had side effects with cymbalta, I had no sex drive and some other things. And that’s bad when your married. And now I’m having problems with gabapentin. I was on it before and I don’t remember side effects.

My nuero who is managing my meds, also told me that gabepentin is good for some,while at the same time he moved me from fluexotine to cymbalta which seems to be helping, he still has me on a mid day dose of gabepentin. His plan is to get me off the gabepentin. I guess it is different for each person, I figure if he is trying to ween me off of gb then its probably doing more harm than good. Hope you can make the right decision for you, gentle hugs. Jackie


I have wondered if these drugs do make us much more sensitive to pain because although I take Lyrica, my back pain has always been my worst problem yet the Lyrica doesn't do much for it, but if I forget to take a dose, I'm in terrible pain, pain that I don't remember having before getting onto Lyrica. I sort of wonder if it's the pink elephant in the living room for Pfizer - do they know about this and just ignore it or is all of that pain from the fibro?