Weight gain frustration

I am extremely frustrated by weight gain. Before my FM started, I was comfortable with my body and my weight until I was prescribed Lyrica and gained 30 pounds in 2 months. All the prescriptions since then have added another 10 pounds. However, I have successfully weened myself off of all meds in an attempt to regain control of the situation but it is getting worse. Another 5 pounds added for no reason.

I don’t drink soda or eat fast food. I am in control of my diet but my body keeps rebelling. I can’t exercise because of the body pains that stretch from the top of my neck to my ankles. My muscles feel like they have been beaten repeatedly with a baseball bat. I really don’t know what to do at this point. Any advise is appreciated.

I am sorry, I am going through the same thing right now with Gabapentin. I have been so hungry and gained weight. It is only in the past 3 days I have felt my appetite return to normal. I hope that continues as I have definitely gained weight. One thing I do is swim, even if it is just walking in the pool. I have found the water to be easy on my body. Hugs

I am on gabapentin along with others. I had trouble with my weight before, but then I lost it with the help of a diet pill that the doctor put me on. After that it was confermed about me having fibro for certain and was placed on gabapentin. The doctor had wanted to put me on Lyrica, but because of insurance reason it had to be gabapentin. The doctor said it was the one she could find that was likely to put on the least amount of weight. I have gained almost all of it back since.

I too gained weight, like you I stopped all my meds over a year ago, I'm doing surprisingly well except for the extra weight no matter what I do I can't seem to lose it. I chalk it up to inactivity, I'm still med free and plan to stay that way, I still have no appetite and stay away from junk food and soda yet I've not lost a pound its really frustrating, as I carry all the weight up front around the middle I almost look pregnant sorry I don't have any advice or suggestions but know you're not alone in this struggle.

Hi Kas, I know how u feel nothing worked for me I tried them all but I did gain wait..I have gained more than I would like I think not working tho mite be part of the weight gain...I try to walk a bit when pain allows my doctor wants me to stretch but we all know how that is on a bad day and daaaayyyyssss...seems like we never know what day you can do something.

Gosh I just wish I could work again I so miss it...lol sorry I got lost in the moment...I am going to see if I can do the water exercise if my insurance will pay for it and if I can actually get there and do it..well I hope you get more advice to get the weigh off. for some reason with the fibro it just seems to come with it please don't beat urself up about it and add more stress and in the quest to get the weight off. Many HUUUGGSSS to you Kas xoxoxoxox Wings