Weight Gain

Hello everyone! I have been researching losing weight with fibromyalgia because I have gained about 15 pounds since January. I think it is due largely to coming to terms with my diagnosis and my fear of repurcusions after exercising. Anyway, I found this article. Like this woman, I was an athlete my whole life. It has been really hard for me to come to grips with this new life. I don't fully understand nor have I fully come to terms with this life long diagnosis, but last week I decided that I really wanted to get in shape. Back to my fighting weight, so to speak. I would be happy if I could just feel comfortable in my clothes! Anyway, I thought I would share this article with everyone. I don't know if it is right for you, but I thought I would share anyway. http://www.thatsfit.com/2011/01/10/despite-fibromyalgia-nikolais-lost-40-pounds/

Thank you for sharing... I will read the article in just a minute... but for now let me just say pregabalin (lyrica) is terrible for weight gain... virtually everyone I know on it has put on weight as a result. I have to take near the max dose and it is terrible... I have put on three stone in two months since my last dose increase. Yes I have been less active because of the pain, but that is an enormous amount of weight to gain... I really want to lose some... I was wondering if people on here would be up for me making a group for weight loss, and each week we post how much our weight has changed (no need to put actual weight down that way) and set targets for ourselves... we can see how much fat we can lose as a group (and then dump that amount of fat on to pfitzer headquarters :P


I think that would be a great idea Mike!

I like that idea too :)

Hi jm,

I saw an interesting segment of the Katie show, she had the guy on who trains and coaches the people who are on one of the self improvement challenges, he went through the diet that he puts these people on, keep in mind some are 400-600 pound people, he has them alternate between high carb days followed by low carb days. He tells the people to always eat the protein part of each meal first, before eating anything else.

This may be something to look into, see if you can find more exact information on this. By all means speak to your Doctor.

There are few of us that have something like Fibro, or Arthritis that haven't gained weight. Many of the meds tend to cause weight gain, and because of the pain, we are not as active as we once were, I think we tend to want more 'comfort food' than we did when we were well too!

Let us know how it goes!

Wishing you well,


There is a weight loss group already here! All are welcome to join!


Thank you... will join that in a second :)

Hi everyone, yes please do join the weight loss group that SK has posted here. I think SK is talking about Mike Powers that she saw on a show. He is a wonderful trainer and has several books out. Another one is the 17 day Diet. I have been on that since late march and have lost 27 pounds. I don’t feel like its a diet because, the food is really good. it is basically 2 probiotics a day, two fruits before 2:00pm chicken or fish, fresh veggies but no bread. If anyone would like more info on it, come on over to the Weight loss group and I will help in anyway I can. Hope to see you there! Leanne. P.S. I stand corrected, I just checked my library and it is Chris Powers not Mike. Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser has some great books as well.