Bariatric surgery to ease the pain of osteoarthritis and various foot problems

I have begun the process of having bariatric surgery at a reputable hospital...I have attended the basic seminar given by the surgeon and the nutritional seminar to establish dietary guidelines prior to the procedure. Next month...I have the physical, meeting with registered dietician, and have the psychological exam.

I hope to ease the pains that bother me well as my atrial fib. I can no longer walk more than a block or 2.

Has anyone had this surgery? Has anyone found any relief from weight loss? (I am a nurse and was around at the very inception of of these surgeries for obesity and saw patients between 200 and 600 pounds. )

I am wondering if I will have increased my quality of life and longevity if I do this?

Does anyone have regrets after the fact?

I would be so thankful for any input.

Hi Joanne

I have mixed feelings about this surgery. I am also a nurse and no several people who have had it. Rennea had her surgery 5 years ago and is doing great before the surgery she had to do the things you have mentioned plus be on a diet and see him once a month for a year before he did the surgery, the other 4 used different doctors none of them have followed the protocol after the surgery one is trying to have another surgery preformed but her insurance will not cover it .I think a lot will depend on you and how you think you will do after.

Oh honey. Let me tell you. I was sleeved on November 20(ish) 2012.
I was admitted two weeks later for an entire month due to complications. I had a leak from a faulty internal staple. That’s not the bad part. My arthritis (in my hips and lower back) has skyrocketed and so has my fibro. I’ve lost 60ish lbs (woo) but my tailbone and hips hurts constantly because that padding’s gone. And when I was on the hospital they had me on 1mg morphine every 7 minutes for the entire month I was there. This ruined my pain tolerance and took my fibro to an entirely new level. I now have to take 2 norco 10s every 4 hours and my dr prescribed butrans today, a pain patch not quite as strong as fentanyl but its up there.

My surgery weight was 274 and still for now, it was not worth it. I was hoping so badly that this would help my pain situation and its done quite the opposite. It also has made my previously mild hypoglycemia very sporadic. On a good day I average a reading of 75-85.

I’m not trying to talk you out of surgery, for 99% of people it’s the best thing they ever did. I happen to be in that craptastic 1%. Feel free to contact me with any more questions. I also recommend for your Bariatric questions. It helped me tremendously. Just seriously take into consideration the complications. I did everything by the book post op, and just had bad luck. I wish you the best and keep me updated with your decision! My email’s ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. After everything I went through, I’m a pro :wink:

Thank you for your views. It is SO appreciated. I also have had hypoglycemia for over 30 yrs....ergo the prospect of the sleeve. I also weigh about the same pre-op.

I will chat later but just know that I appreciated your candor!


Thank you! I will have a great support team of health care people....and needed support meetings until death!

All your input is greatly appreciated!


Egads, Liz! What rotten luck to end up with worse fibro! I've fantasized about this operation but after reading this, I'm not any longer. I'm so sorry for you that the operation/post operation did not go well at all. More than anything, I'm sorry that your pain has increased. It's certainly not what you'd expect to have happen!

Jo, I wish you well in this endeavor. I do know someone who had it done but who didn't follow the dietary rules after the surgery so she gained a lot of it back. If you're a well-disciplined person and can stick to a new diet of foods then you should be okay post operation. Please let us know what you decide!