Better sleep - 30 wakers & stoppers

Sleep hygiene

Napping is usually not recommended, but try it or power naps and compare…
Get ruminating down: Cut off thoughts with “Stop!”, “scissors”, “chainsaw”, cold showering…
Nightmares: Reality check, reverse imaging techniques…
Sleep diary

German Was ist Revenge Bedtime Procrastination? |
German Revenge bedtime procrastination: Warum wir Schlaf gegen Handy-Zeit eintauschen - WELT

This post here has easy to read ‘normal ideas’ listed and a bit of discussion about napping or not.

This is a nice and long one:
Tylenon, nortriptyline, scent bubble bath, sound machine (e.g. rainstorms, picturing this), Ambien, melatonin, reading, watching TV (esp. boring, low volume), blankets, electric blankets, amitritypline, Tramadol, ‘Lyrica’, L-Tryptophan, valarian root, sleep mask, Trazadone, ‘Adderall’, ‘Lights Off’(?), From Fatigued to Fantastic by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.: Jamaican Dogwood, Passion Flower, L-theanine, Valerian, Hops extract, Flexeril, Valium, Opana, ear plugs, fan, thick scarf, hoodie, Temazepam, sleeper bed (recliner), cross stitch, drink something warm before bed, memory foam pillow, drink for dry mouth, cotton in ears, Lunesta, snuggle (blankets with arms).

And another old post about sleep hygiene basics: Sleep Hygiene