Book is a Must Read (in my opinion)


I went to see my new doctor last Tuesday (what a week). She is what I've been searching for forever. Literally.

This is a 38 year old woman who went through medical school with fibromyalgia. She used herself as a gineau pig in her research to figure this thing out. She works full time as an MD, an internist, and does it with fibro, and can because she has learned enough about it to keep it minimized.

She gave me a copy of her book at our first visit and it's my homework to read it before our next appt. I have been a bit tired the last couple days so I have been picking away at it. I've got to tell you that I have actually teared up a couple of times because YES, that's it, that's me! No one else has ever understood and explained why it all happens so well to me. She explains in a way that is clear, professional, but simple enough for my brain to get about 90% of the info. She makes suggestions to help us feel better. Lots of them and most are do=able. There is one test she recommends that's a bit spendy, but it's not necessary.

Read the reviews I'm attaching. I know how blessed I am to find this doctor in my area. But, even if there is not a Dr Liptan in your area you can learn a lot from this book. I am not an information junkie. I would much prefer a novel or facebook word games, but this is good stuff. I hope libraries are carrying it so everyone can access it.

Thanks for your continued prayers and kind thoughts, not to mention all of the encouragement regarding my daughters boyfriend. We still don't know the treatment plan yet.

Love you all


I am so happy that you have finally found 'your Doctor'!!!!! What a relief this must be!

Thanks for the book information! I appreciate the share there!

Sending you lots of love,


Hello Kitty,

I've just read the reviews of this book on Amazon UK, they are excellent so I have just ordered it.

Many thanks for the information, I've been looking into buying a book on the subject but didn't know which to choose, so knowing that you actually see this lady I decided to give her book a go too.

Love Lucy xx

Oh yes, what a relief SK! I can finally just hand myself over to someone. Wow.

Others are asking how I found her. Google, google, google. It was easy work, but took lots of time and reading about doctors and stuff I don't like to do. Search for support groups in your area too. And GO! I discovered that if I had gone to this support group that's pretty close to me I would have learned about Dr Liptan long ago. She is a long drive into the city, but I have options of travel. I live in the boonies so I always tried to find the closest thing. Nope, didn't work. I have to go a ways, but it will be worth it.

YES!! I read this book last year and you are right, it IS a MUST READ. I got so much out of it and it was truly validating hearing from a medical professional, that we shared most of the same symptoms. How wonderful for you that SHE is your doctor!

Best of luck and

prayers for you and your family

Love, Cherie

I am going to try to find the book.

My book call let go! Forgive ppl to lower your stresss

Thanks. I may get the kindle edition. The reviews are great.

Oh Glenedia, I agree whole heartedly. Forgiveness is the best medicine.

Hi Kitty,

I also posted about this book few months ago - its brilliant. The myofascia release is the best thing going.I follow every guide on medication and supplements especially SAme. Dr Liptan is inspirational. She is in remission, which brings hope to us all.

God bless


Wow you are so lucky to find this doctor. I’ve just ordered a copy off amazon. Thanks for the info Kitty!

I read this book many months ago and was so impressed. She has some great advice, some works for me and some not. My massage therapist practices the Myofascia release therapy and it has been helpful. She is an inspiration!

Hi Kitty,

My book arrived this morning, from Amazon UK, looks good, can't wait to start reading it from cover to cover! Thank you so much for bringing this book to our attention, so good to have a book written by a medical profession who actually knows how we feel.

Love Lucy xx

Yae, Lucy. Enjoy.

I love that Nan. I hope she agrees. Please let me know.

Got my book after reading your discussion and have been reading it since. Can’t read it at night or I’ll never get sleep! That’s for sharing. Told my hubby he could read it after me!

HI Ktty, got the ebook from Amazon and still reading it. I’m impressed so far.

Hello Sandi,

I started reading my copy of this book last night, was reading for ages! Like you I thought I'd better put it down, it was midnight! Isn't it a great book!

Lucy xx

Oh it's such a good book!

Lucy xx

I bought the book immediately. I will let you know what I think of it in comparison to several other books that were printed a few years ago.