Can anyone suggest a good book on Fibromyalgia?

I am looking for a book about Fibro. I have read some books in the past - but there is new information now and I want to get a book that's updated and informative. I am an avid reader and most of my books come from Amazon. An amazing website! If anyone can think of new books that are out, let me know and I will look it up on the Amazon website to get it! Thanks so much! Laurie

Hi Laurie,

I get most of my info online. There's so much out there.. research on a genetics is interesting to me. New ways to diagnose, things that don't show on blood tests ( researchers found that most of us have deficient thryroid functioning but standard tests don't indicate)

I just google Fibro.. and keep digging. always find something new.

One book I DO recommend is, " Prescriptions for NUTRITIONAL HEALING" (fifth edition) Has about 100 illness/conditions and all about the natural supplements, herbs, vitamins, foods and drug free remedies. 5 pages about Fibromyalgia. by Phyllis A Balch, CNC

I use it a lot...helps others we love when they suffer from a variety of conditions... well worth the $$

If I can think of the particular websites, I'll send them to you.

( I've had this for 20 years....know a lot... but there's new info/research ... thank God!


YinYan - Thanks for responding! I am going on 32 years that I have had Fibro. WAY too long to have this awful disease. I am going to keep in mind your suggestion about the nutritional healing book. Sounds really interesting.Thanks for your help! Laurie

The best book I think that has ever been written, was written by a Dr. with Fibro. It lists every possible symptom and explains why it happens and has diagrams.It also has chapters on how to deal with every area of your life and how to get disability right away. We who have the book call it "The Fibro Bible" but the title is "Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome" by Devin Starlanyl M.D.

Another book that I pick up again and again is actually written for MS patients but it helps you adapt your daily life to lower levels of functioning. It's called "The Kinder Side" by Lyn Risidore.

There are 2 others I like, they are Christian themed.

"What I learned lying down" by Angela Dugi

"Successful Living With Chronic Illness" by Kathleen Lewis

A few of those are older, but I have seen used/perfect condition editions at and other online book stores.

It's better to buy that first book used, because it's more expensive, because it's almost a text book on Fibromyalgia.

Best wishes, Sheila

I agree with Sheila. My TMJ doctor recommended this book - there now is a 2nd edition, which is very up to date. Even though it came out in 2001 ( 1st edition was out in 1996), it has 28 chapters and I have read it all and I keep going back to different sections all the time. Especially the section on Taking Control: Dancing with Dragons, Your Healing Team and Support Structures. I too read a lot on the Internet, but find that only the Fibromyalgia true sites like this one has true information that isn’t guided by drug companies.

Hi Sheila - Thanks SO much for recommending those books! It really helps with all the feedback I am getting and I am really anxious to get a couple of books on Fibro. Hugs! Laurie

Hi Sandi - I am curious - I had TMJ for about 30 years. Horrible headaches went along with it as well. Last year because of my TMJ, I lost all my teeth. I was absolutely devastated when this happen. I had such beautiful teeth but when in pain (especially at night) I was grinding my teeth. I was also constantly stressed out in my marriage Right now, I have really nice new teeth!! (Smile). But, I will never get over what I went through to have my own teeth extracted. I had to have 3 surgeries because of some bone problems in the gum area. Do Fibro patients have TMJ?? I mean, is it common for us? I am very curious about this. Thanks! Laurie

If you read people’s profiles, it does seem to be a problem many if us have. I personally think it has to do with our muscles spasming around neck and head. I’ve had migraines for 43 years and often wonder if I could have lessened the severity if I was diagnosed with TMJ earlier than just 5 years ago! I wear a splint at night and it really helps. When I was first diagnosed I often wore it up to 20 hours a day. Whenever my jaws got tight I schlumped it in. Relief! There dies seem to be a few different issues that many have - TMJ, restless leg syndrome, night sweats, severe sleep problems, balance problems, back and spine problems, and the list can go on.

I can only imagine having all your teeth pulled - I had 8 pulled when I had braces put on when I was 17 and that was intense. So glad that you now have beautiful teeth. If they are implants, you may consider getting a splint so you don’t keep grinding because the constant pressure on an implant can cause it to weaken your bone (what my oral surgeon told me). Keep smiling, Laurie!

Here is a good book:

FibroWHYalgia: Why Rebuilding the Ten Root Causes of Chronic Illness Restores Chronic Wellness
Susan E. Ingebretson (Author)

The author is really nice - I have chatted with her before. She lives without pain by rebuilding her body and cutting back stress.

Let me know if you decide to read it -


Hi Sandi - I have had restless leg syndrome on and off for many years. It absolutely drives me crazy! I can't sleep and I get up and walk around a little bit. Eventually it will go away, but it's such an uncomfortable feeling, isn't it?? I do have bad balance problems too. I am very aware of it when I am in public. I have awful sleep patterns too. I am so exhausted when I get up on the morning, because I have spent most of the night trying to get comfortable. I do whatever I can now, to take care of the teeth I have. But losing the originals was really a shock to me. Also, after the teeth were pulled, the transformation of my face was awful. Without the teeth, the face has that sunken appearance. It was quite an adjustment for me. I was very fortunate that my insurance helped to pay for my new teeth. I can smile again!! Laurie

I've really liked this one. He's a Dr AND has FM himself.


hi Seattlemeg - Thanks so much for your suggestion on the book written by Mark Pellegrino. His name rings a bell to me. I also notice that he has another book out about surviving Fibromyalgia. I am going to seriously look into that book you recommended. I might get the other along with it - as it explains how he has survived. I have been getting great suggestions on a lot of books that are out. Being I am an avid reader, I want to look into all of them. Oh heck!!!! I might as well buy out the whole damn store! Laurie

Laurie, SeattleMeg mentioned Mark Pelligrino. His name rings a bell because there's a movie star by that name, but this is a Dr. and not the movie star.