I thought this pic said it best.....
1900-557909_429733973732059_1833324340_n.jpg (26.7 KB)Good one! LOL!
Figured I would spread a little smile :)
Good Night it is almost 2:30am here
Going to try to sleep again.
Hope you can sleep tight! With no drilling to wake you up!
I LOVE this !!
Now pull the covers up over your head, and you've got it! LOL!
ha ha so true
OMG, how are you doing girl? Haven't had the chance to talk too much to you. How are you?
been awake lying here, the one day it is relatively quiet and i cant sleep.....ugh
right now....not good.....earlier much better.....right now,havent slept, making miserable, trying to stay positive
already starting to see things
ooops sorry just realized you were talking to someone else SK...oops
It's okay, How are YOU doing Wendy Ann? We'll be able to get a job as an extra on 'The Walking Dead', and we won't even need make-up! HA! Yes, I'll be hallucinating soon myself!
I am so tired today, I havent slept yet, going to try in a couple again
LOVE the photo and LOVE the saying!
Cutest dog cuddled into his blankie. OMG, isn't that how we feel almost every single day?
Is the construction still going on?
Today seems like a good one for sleeping. Very dark and cloudy. Feels like it's nighttime already. Hope you can get some sleep.
Not today but I have been trying to sleep since 3am and just not working. I just got up, maybe try to do something and try again later......me too
Yes it is :) I thought it was awesome
I think I will audition lol ......going to 'borrow' that