Description of the Most Common Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Here is a link to the most common Fibromyalgia symptoms. As we have several members who have been newly diagnosed, I thought this would be a good article to read. There are other associated articles that you may also be interested in. You just have to press the link.

I find that even though I was diagnosed 26 years ago it's a good idea to read these articles because there are some new symptoms and new information.

Cannot click the link…my phone hates me…lol

Thank you Karen for bringing this to my attention. When I clicked on the link it did not open for me.

I will look into this and find out what is wrong.

Gentle Hugs

Rachel Lets see if this works. I think this is may be the link you had in mind, Rachel. It is good info without being overly complicated.

26 years is a very long time to deal with all of this! I am sure the medical community knew little of it as far as treatment. Was it called Fibromyalgia then?

Thank you so much SK for taking care of this.

I appreciate that SK!

My pleasure, Rachel, it's good info for everyone!

I didn't notice your question SK. At the time of my diagnosis it was called fibrocitis.

SK link worked! I think I have probably had fibro for many years prior to diagnosis. The burning arms were the final straw that I went to the doctor for… and for me it has been progressive.

OK, I feel like the oddball here, as it's my JOINTS that hurt, not my muscles. Well, neck and shoulder muscles hurt. Sometimes in the winter my muscles ache like the flu. But the real pain for me is in the joints - hips, knees, wrists, elbows and fingers. Anyone else?

O. M. G. 26 years??? That is a seriously frightening thought and number. How, Rachel, do you keep from going insane? And you're so sane, despite 26 years of chronic pain. Gosh, my hat is off to you. You are made of tough stuff, my friend. It's people like you and SK whom I admire as you both find a way to stay gracious despite everything.

Well, you know I'm in on the joints, Pet!

I'm sorry about that, SK. Sure seems like you hit the bad health lottery.

Here's a question though: do I truly have fibro if I only get muscle pain in the cold weather (except my neck, which always hurts)?

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