Could it be fibromyalgia?

Hi everyone. I’m new here. I have not been to the doctor for any of the things I’m going to mention. My story: it all started in may 2010 with my skin feeling as if it were burnt. From my groin, to my inner thigh, to the outside of my calf and to the outside of my foot. It lasted for a week. Wind hurt me, water was excruciating and touching it was impossible. Then it went away. Since then, I’ve had it happen on various parts of my body every few months, lasting for a few days to over a week. I’ve also had pain in my bones, which is why i inquired signing up with this site. It hurts so much. Last night, my lower leg bone started hurting, today, my arm and shoulder bones started. And then the burning skin started on my foot and hand. No rash or bumps of any kind. I am anemic, I’ve had stomach issues for as long as i can remember. Nobody i know, knows what i mean when i tell them what is going on and they brush it off like it’s nothing because they can’t SEE the problem. I don’t know what to do. Tylenol and Advil do nothing for me. Does any of this sound familiar to you guys? I just don’t want it to get worse. Please guide me in the right direction, if you can.

I have only had the skin pain maybe once since I have had Fibro, but the other pains sound very familiar. My pain sometimes feels like its in my bones, sometimes like its in my muscles, but it definitely moves around from place to place like you described. Maybe just make an appointment with a rheumatologist and see if they cant figure it out for you. Unfortunately its not an easy diagnosis. For me, i had to suffer through the pain for over a year before they finally diagnosed me with it.
Good luck!!!

Welcome to the Fibro support site, white.oleander. You’ll find lots of really great people here who understand what you are going through: a great number of them probably remember only too well the days when they were undiagnosed and wondering.

That said, we’re not doctors, nor do we play doctor over the internet. :wink: If you have pain, you really do need to get it seen to. Start with your PCP, and ask whether, like hh suggests, a consult with a rheumatologist would be a good idea.

Meanwhile, you’re welcome to hang out here of course. But do yourself (and your family) a favour and try to get a diagnosis.


Seenie from Moderator Support