its been a few months since diagnosed with fibro. extreme pain everywhere. but I did notice something happening... started about 3 weeks to a month ago.. i added a discussion here regarding burning pain.. and thank you for the great advice.. but now. im finding on my right thigh on the right side... there is a awfully extreme burning .. fire burning pain.. so bad that i lose feeling in that area. im frightened because its all the time.. i dont know if its because im using the muscle too much or what. i tried cutting down on my pills thinking maybe im taking too much but that doesnt do anything but cause more pain throughout my body. so i am at a loss. wondering if anyone has experienced this. thanks for the replies
I've had burning pain sporadically in the tendon or ligament leading to my knee that is also attached to the tender point. I don't know if this is the same as your pain but it truly feels like someone stuck a boiling hot pitchfork into my tendon and left it there for a day or so. I haven't lost feeling when it happened but I couldn't walk because the pain was so severe. I don't know if it's from fatigue from using the knee/leg too much though it seemed to crop up during 2 giant snow systems.
Truthfully, I think you should call your doctor. To me it sounds like a fibro symptom but I'm no doctor. But if I were you, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that fibro's causing it. Oh, and I found that once I had really ugly things like this crop up with fibro that I wasn't as freaked out in subsequent episodes.
I'm sorry that you're dealing with this, Poseysmom. I know it's very frightening to experience firsthand. I mean, no one tells you that a part of your body will feel like it's on fire. Okay, well you may read about it happening to other people wifh fibro but you don't expect it to happen to you.
Here is a discussion by several people with the same symptom, who also have fibro:
Several of the posters said that the cause of the pain and burning might actually be a condition called meralgia paraesthetica:
I guess it's worth a try to run this by your doc and see what he thinks. Good luck!
I get that the exact same spot as you! I lose sensation also...when I touch the area its like it is numb.
Rhem had given me cortizone shots in both sides of thighs almost a year ago for pains there- It really did help. I sometimes get the burning feeling and numbness, but hardly ever anymore. Ask your doc about this.
Than you all for the responses. sounds like it’s another treat Fibro gives us. I’msorry for all you guys are going through. I’m not hearing any testing, research, and studies are being done. it’s there?
I am eating right. I’m walking, taking meds…Not surewhat else to do. I’m venting. and feel alone…I don’t tell family because they don’t understand. hard. that’s why we are all here right? I’m glad. thanks!
Yes, I have burning pain mostly in my legs/knees, elbows. Sometimes I even get a stabbing electrical pain that shoots up my arms/legs - it surprises me and it can happen at any time. I believe it is all related to our Fibro and our central nervous system being all screwd up! I hope it gets better for you:)
Hi poseysmom,
I have the burning in the upper back and neck area, my Chiropractor said it's from nerves being irritated. Yes, it's a 'fire burning pain'! The Lyrica helps my Sciatica, doesn't do much for the other!
Hey I was diagnosed with this condition 5 years ago. The Doctor believes this is what has triggered my fibro.
I struggle with the pain from this. Neurologist adviced me that damage is in the hip joints and the shots wouldn’t benefit me. Apart from that the only advice was to loose weight and stop wearing tight clothing. The pain has meant I am now less active and slowly putting weight on even though I have lost my appetite.
Any tips for dealing with this condition?
It’s probably some sort of nerve condition. My mom suffers from exactly this condition and she takes a medication that has helped her tremendously. It’s called gaberopentin or something like that. You need to ask your doctor about it. When she doesn’t take the medication (as happenned recently because the insurance delayed to cover it) she has shooting pains in certain spots on her leg and thighs, almost all day every day.