I'm wondering if this is just me...To say I perspire is to put it far too lightly. It is so ridiculous how easily I sweat not to mention sooo super embarrassing, too. The sweaty thing started with the rest of my FM symptoms but I haven't heard much about it specifically so I was wondering...Am I the only one? It's a small part of what I go through but...damn...I'm trying to hold on to a bit of dignity through all this and this is just the last little straw. Am I the only one???
Hi Caspr795, I definitely sweat a lot now, probably been for the last three years, although I’ve had fibro for a lot longer and went through menopause 10 years ago. I can be doing some easy housework or move something and my hair gets soaked. When I exercise the sweat just pours off me and my T-shirts get soaked (black doesn’t show the sweat as much, grey is terrible). I’ve often thought they should invent an anti-per-spirant for the whole body. It is embarrassing, but after all this time I’ve given up worrying about it. I’m assuming it’s just another fibro thing. I’m also hoping they’re right when they say it’s good for your skin.
Whew, so maybe I’m not the only one. I’ve been tested 3 x for early menopause and all tests came back negative. I’m a little overweight but certainly not enough to justify what I go through. Like you just a little exertion and I’m swimming. I’m sorry you go through it too but I’m glad I’m not alone. Thanks for responding.
HI cas,
Oh no, you certainly are not the only one! This discussion is a regular one!
Here are all the discussions we have had here on the subject of 'sweating'. 19 pages, showing 183 discussions. You and I are not alone!
Hi, Yes I have this problem. I had it before the fibro diagnosis, before starting meds and before I had a hysterectomy. I can get soaking wet at any time of the day summer or winter it doesn’t matter.
This is another problem that is difficult to get anyone especially a doctor to take seriously. If they do take it seriously they say let me run labs to check your thyroid and when it comes back normal the only other explanation is well it must be stress don’t worry about it.
This is the most embarrassing problem especially when I was working. I would take a shower every morning but it would take forever to dry off because I would be dripping sweat off my body especially the head and face area. I started having to get up earlier so I would have time to dry by laying in fromt of the fan to dry off before I could even get dressed.
I still have this problem but it is different. Now I can not regulate my temperature at all it seems. I can be cold one minute then hot. I can be sweating but have chill bumps on my arms. My hands, feet or face feel hot to touch but I’m freezing.
Very strange but it helps to know I’m not alone !
Thanks so much for the info, SK. Hope you are feeling well today.
I definitely can relate to what everyone is saying. I have always wondered if it was a fibro thing on top of all the other symptoms.
But I also can be freezing cold and still sweat? Agh everyday is a new adventure haha
Im glad to know that I am not the only one who deals with this. I sweat terrible just trying to do the dishes. I to freeze everyone out of the house or car. I never really thought about it being Fibro related. I guess it makes sense now that I think about. it. I have been doing this for nearly two years now. I have not found a solution for it either. If anyone knows about of something that helps please let me know. Thanks Sue.
Oh good morning to you all! This discribes me to a T! My husband and I can not ride in the car together as I am always very hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable without the AC on and he is cold.
I also just get flushed just moving about in my day. What can be done to help with regulating body temps? Help.
I did not have this issue for awhile after I started taking cymbalta. However in the last year and half it has been very much like everyone else. Very little effort and my hair is soaked. I also have issues with wearing pants as it causes me to sweat just sitting.
I have to used Monkey butt powder to help with the moisture.
any tips are appreciated. I am glad that we have this forum as this is not something you may discuss with your best friend.
Yes, I sweat. There have been times that I have awoke in the middle of the night and my top half of my night gown is soak and wet. I do this after showers in the AM and I have to "dry" myself with my blow dryer before I get dressed. It is annoying but I would rather have just the sweating with no pain but I guess that is not going to happen.
I'm so glad you posted your tip. The MB works!! Thanks. Yay, one less thing!! (MB...I refuse to say the name)....Okay, I lied..."MONKEY BUTT powder"!! Really?!! Aren't the current indignities we are forced to contend with enough? Do we really need to request a little monkey butt at our local pharmacy to have the feeling of a full and meaningful day. LOL Guess so. ;-)
I don't get so wet, except when it's real hot outside. I get stinky. Like never before. I don't know how to prevent it either. Yuckk.
You are not alone. I am always hot. The only time I am not sweating is when it is cold outside. I can not even walk around the house with the AC on without sweating.
Savella Cymbalta and Lyrica the drugs used to calm fibro can do that are you on that med?
Yeah, that's it. >;-(
I am so glad someone posted this! However, I only sweat profusely at night. Sweating to the point I soak my clothes, sheets, and blanket. Strangely, I only sweat on the back of my body. Sweat puddles up behind my knees and neck. Hair is ringing wet. But, it doesn't smell. I will say I had a partial hysterectomy around nine years ago and take nothing for hormones. Wonder if it is medication, fibro, or hormones????
I started with night sweats and not very long after, started having what feels like hot flashes. It comes at anytime and for no reason. I can be standing in a grocery store and my forehead will be covered in sweat. I've read many of the responses from the ladies here... I'm a 49 year old male so I have no idea what hot flashes truely are like, but that's what it truely feels like.