Doctors suck sometimes

So I go to my reg doctor cause of severe pain in my kidney area. They send me for a stat cat. Kidney stones were found but the radiologist says they r not big enough to be causing the pain but of course my doctor disagrees. And of course was given pain and muscle relaxers ( I didn’t mind those ). They send me to my urologist and of course he said its not kidney stones that is causing the pain but its probably a back problem, muscles, joints, etc. but he doesn’t know. I felt like crying on my way out. I’m glad it’s not stones but I wish someone can just take the pain away. I haven’t slept in a week and I probably sound like I’m just rambling and complaining. Oh well, see reumo guy tomorrow. I will probably be told I have 10 more diseases. Lol

Oh I’m so sorry. I am supposed to go to a gastro. It showed in my blood work I have active hepatitis a. How in the world could I have gotten that. I had my last child 2 yrs ago and all my blood test were normal. They said too though if u have thyroid issues it can alter the blood results. I have Graves’ disease since I was 24. Good Luck to u also and everyone else. Xoxo

Dealing with doctors is so frustrating! They don't seem to hear what you're saying at all. Recent discussion with my GP:

Me: The Kapake (codeine 30) isn't taking the pain away any more, I think I need something stronger.

GP: Have you tried paracetamol?

Me: Yeah, doesn't affect me at all.

GP gives me prescription for paracetamol :@

Hi Amy. Reumo guy is a good one to see. Hopefully he'll do a bunch of tests and rule out 10 more diseases. And hopefully he'll help you to find meaningful pain relief.

Fibro's like that. You'll see a million different specialists who'll tell you you're perfectly normal and they have no idea why you're in pain, ad nauseum. A good rheumy should be able to sort things out for you, however. That's his field.