i wanted to go to the ER yesterday. my body was in pain as usual but i could no longer take it. i wanted someone to put me out my misery. it seems like everyone else seems to have figured out a way to handle their fibro or it isnt quite as bad as mine might be. i have pain everywhere and my back is the worst. i have to have a heating pad frequently (like now lol) just to relieve some of these horrble pains and feelings.
instead of going to the ER my doctor told me to come see him. he works in urgent care so things workd out for the best i guess. he gave me a torodal shot in my arm. he said it would relive my pain for up to two days and it should start working immediately. i was hurting to bad that i had to just barely sit or lean over the bed. my skin was tender and sore to the touch (still is) and my back was the same (still is) as well at my entire body.......
this shot did not help me in no way and it never kicked in. the doctor seems like he might be getting a bit frustrated he said out of all his patients i have fibro the worse. hes never seen it to this extreme and last month when i came in i was in tears and even my doctor teared up with me, hes a great doctor and hes doing what he can i feel. hes working with me. its just hard i know you all know this. and its hard to treat fibro.
i just feel so helpless most days. im 24 and i have no life besides NETFLIX. and i can barely take care of myself. things are just really hard. i wouldve never thought at this age my life would be so hard. ive forgotten my hopes and dreams and all i want now is to be healthy. im trying my best to hang in there but its hard. i dont have much support or barely any help.
i want to thank all of you guys for being my family and encouraging me when things get rough, its appreciated.
if any of you guys can leave any tips or ways you help to relieve pain or things you do to get you through the day while living with fibro... i would love that. thanks again.