Back pain

Went to the hospital Tuesday with really bad pain in my back, it’s been three days now and I can even get out to bed. This pain is excruciating. Unable to take my kid to school, unable to do anything. Don’t know what to do anymore. All they did in the hospital was they gave me two shots, the first one didn’t even worked, and the second one just a little. And they send me back home like that.
I don’t want to be like this anymore.

Soft and caring hugs.

Did they check for kidney infection or stones? A heating pad may help. I hope it is better soon.

Sorry you are having all this pain. It's awful for you.

You probably need to go to your primary doctor. If you don't have one, you may need one. They are the ones who can follow you and refer you on to a specialist if you need one. I believe the Emergency Rooms just treat the immediate issue. They kind of treat you enough to give you time to get to your own doctor. Did the ER give you the name of a doctor to follow up with?

I hope your doing better real soon.

Soft hugs,


Is my lower spine, herniated disc. I know it sucks.
Thank you.

The funny thing is my doc, was not in his office this whole week.
Thank you

Hi yndidav,

So sorry to hear this, it's a sickening, debilitating pain! Have you been referred to pain management yet? It may be a very good idea!

Hope you can get some substantial relief, I know how you feel about going to the ER. I was there not too long ago with a fall! Cracked my head a good one, otherwise I would have toughed it out!

Wishing you well,


I agree about the pain management. If you get a good one the really care about you.

I am not a doctor so I hesitate to say anything. But when I injured my back I used heat all the time and did not realize I was swelling it up. I was partially paralyzed for a few months. But after anti swelling meds, ice and therapy I can walk. So please check with your doctor to find the right combo for you.
Air hug

Hello, what medication are you on? What is your diagnosis…just fibro.
Please tell me , I will try to help.
There is an application called Good RX. Search by condition check out savella. There is a muscle relaxer called zaneba (sic) you will see it on good r x , it is helping many with muscle pain
Susan w

Herniated discs typically take 2-4 weeks to “heal”. Just recovering from another myself so I feel your pain! The things I did that seemed to help (as much as anything can during that pain) -

Don’t sit up longer than 20 minutes to a half hour at a time. Your pain will let you know when you’re done.

When getting up after sleeping in bed, try to sit straight up in one fluid motion. I know it sounds impossible, but once I figured that out my healing seemed to go a bit more quickly - there was also less screaming and cussing! lol

Be kind to yourself. It’s extremely painful and you have to be kind to your body because at least this pain will subside.

Sorry to hear about your back pain. i have it as well. actually I have it in TWO places. One is close to the waste which is arthritis. but I also have it lower down the back, almost to the tail bone. That one they don't know the cause. I was at the ER Wed. They did a MRI. They said it was 'normal'. Heating pads or baths do help, but once the back cools down again, the pain returns. I am going to PT now. And i can't take most pain killers - or those that are strong enough. the one I can take I can't get as a prescription. Pharmacies we go to don't carry Morphine. (no, its not kidney stones or infections. The pain isn't in the right place for that). I can't do much either. I don't go to the places I used to go to, partly because the sitting would be painful. but partly because the van I normally take is too jarring. I'm tired of it as well (been this way since June).

Hope you feel better soon.

Sorry you are suffering in pain . My son suffered from a herniated disc. ( only 20 yrs old) We went to the ER first and they gave him Motrin 800 mg, and muscle relaxers. Did not help much at all like you he could barely walk ! Decided to get him to Physical Therapy its been 4 weeks and he is feeling much better. They are having him do a lot of stretching exercises. NOT saying you should stretch ! Just instead of getting on meds. that may or may not help and ALWAYS have side affects physical therapy is natural. They also taught him how to meditate. Relaxing naturally is also great for your pain. It must be difficult with a child so muscle relaxers are wonderful , but make you very tired. Possibly you could get them for night time so you can sleep . However you do not want to count on these. You want permanent relief .I belong to a "pain group" and listen to a lot of people in all kinds of pain from failed surgeries, injuries , Fibro etc. The biggest issue they all have is meds.....eventually everyone hates having to take them over and over again to get minimal relief. . Savella is an anti depressant NOT a muscle relaxer. I always ask my pharmacists before taking anything what I have been prescribed and what I can expect as a side affect. Did not learn this till year 3 of having Fibro and had many bad experiences with meds.

I wish you the best it is not easy !! Its a process and we have to learn how to accept then adapt . I hope you get pain relief soon !!!

I am lucky enough that when I hurt like that I can either get into the pool or hot tub, that helps me the most.

So sorry that you are having this pain, has your primary care sent you to a pain management dr. Yet? If not I would suggest that as your next stop.

hot then cold . my physical therapist uses

Hope you are having a better day, yndidav! It seems like a heating pad, couch day to me!

Today is the fifth day, and it’s a little better. Heat pad and of course more pain killers. Nothing I can do until Monday. Thank you everyone for all the advise I appreciate all of them. Thank you again.

I have been thrue what your going thrue ,I am so sorry I wish I had a magic wand. B12 helps ,heating pads ,yoga blah,blah,blah you need real help and you aren't getting it .You need to keep going till you find a "real" doctor willing to be one .Where ever you live find the closest teaching hospital ,it is your best bet. When you are in pain it is often hard to remember the obvious ,my father told me this all my life and I didn't remember but I didn't get help till I went to the Uof minn. .Please hang in therelots of hope and love

i also believe you are correct...they only treat immediate problem...than send you to your primary.

If you primary is out they should have replacement to take their far in my lifetime this has been true.

I just would like to add..though sounds like you know what is wrong now..but will still add just in case.

I had ruptured discs which i did at age 21 ( over 30 yrs ago), about 5 to 7 years ago i started telling Rheum that i was having more 'hip' pain. He did the fibro and i did hurt in all right areas...i had just assumed this was normal since i has always hurt me in those areas since i was diagnosed with lupus in my late 20's.

Well..i recently found out from MRI though it did show up on reg x ray but this is not normal...for (AS) spondylitis plus degenerative disc disease (which most people get as they age). I am sure now that part of that hip pain was the AS and my doctor by not running any tests missed it.IF he had, he could have slowed down the damage i now in case this might be true for you too.. you can slow it down!

Are you seeing a pain clinic, they will deal directly with your back pain, you get referred by your GP , some are very good, I’ve had facet joint jabs, loads of caudal epidural jabs, none worked so now I’ve decide to go for the ops, the pains too great, just ruined a hol. In Spain, spent the whole week in bed! They’ve given me a 50/50 chance of being paralized in the op, & it can go wrong, but I just can’t stand the pain anymore, I’m bedridden & still in pain in bed, I lay on my back with 4 pillows under my legs just touching my backside, that gives me some relief, I don’t mean elevate your whole legs with 4 pillows but tuck the pillows as far as you can to your bum & have the lower leg just resting over the top of the pillows, I was taught that by a yoga teacher, have a try, it works for me sometimes take care Hun, gentle hugs xxxx

At the pain clinic, under the CAT scan, they give me injections right where my blown discs are. An MRI showed where they were. A normal x-ray didn’t show anything. Good look hon. My shots are really helping. I hope you can get some pain management.


I also got herniated disc(s) horseback riding at 21....and was told i was not going to be able to do about anything i loved but swimming. No tennis, hiking, first it did hurt to walk or lift anything in front. I did PT for about 6 not let them use traction!!

Well i did do everything!! Now in my mid 50's it is beginning to give me some problems but i also have other back pack problems that are new or been going on in last 12 years and not caught.

I say this...try massage and TENS do not get on narcotic pain medication longer than month. I recall i did use vicodin for first month so i could work and go to college....the physical therapy and Hot Tubs ( there were big back than in late 70's) really helped greatly!

I also now try acupuncture as i am as well now. Make sure person is legit...FDA can give you list or site to find reputable ones. TENS also is helping greatly as do hot baths now with epsom salts.

Mainly..i like to prevent him from getting hooked on pain pills. Motrin actually will help just as well plus reduce inflammation once worse is over about month. I was put on narcotic pain medication later in life..late 40's and now am physically dependant. I like to get off but my body gets extremely sick ...something i hate for anyone else to go through, especially when other drugs that will help even better and not cause dependency. If he has any addiction problems well...odds are he will get addicted as well.

I just wish someone had warned me...i did not have surgery and my disc is gone..pancaked from get go. I actually heard one pop! Other is 90% gone and never refilled. Just strengthen core PT exercises..getting excellent PT is what will help him the most. Plus doing the work.

I just hate from him to think his life is over since it is not! I even went backpacking!! Weeks at time carrying 50lb pack! So he can and will be okay if he does the PT work. I just do not want him where i am now when other pain issues arose. Like i said..i wish someone had warned me about narcotic drugs and how hard it is to wean off them.

I wish you and him the best and if he like to talk to me please feel free. He might feel hopeful knowing a person who also hurt their pack at about same age had great life for most of it until other health issues.