Does Fibro qualify for disability insurance?

Is it hard to get disability when you have fibro? What are the steps to get it? It's getting harder and harder for me to work because of my fibro, which I'm not sure is an actual disability according to the social security department. Does anybody know the process? Should I get a lawyer to take the case? Is this better than me filing alone? I could really need some advice....thank you! Gail

Hi, i know how your feeling. Im tryingto get on disability too. I have an appeal coming up soon. The lawyer i seen wants a doctor to label me as disabled. Problem with that is not one of the drs i seen will. So now im rushing to get all my medical records together and pray it goes through. I have other issues too. Arthritis and depression. I would be taing notes and gather as much as you can before you apply. Hope this helps a little :slight_smile:

HI Gail - If you live in the U.S. you can get disability for your Fibro. I had to retire 7 years ago from work because my FIbro was getting so bad. Also the typical 'fibro fog' was with me constantly. What I did was, I contacted a lawyer who specializes in disability. He was fantastic! I didn't even have to go to court or go through all the red tape nonsense that the government puts people through. I did apply for Disability twice before I met the lawyer, and was turned down. So I had this idea that if I could find a lawyer who would be on my side, just maybe I would be able to get on disability. Within one week I was on DIsability. You need to have all the necessary paper work that the lawyer will ask you to prepare. Doctor visits, procedures that you have had done (IF you did), medical charts and so on. Your lawyer will also be your advocate, and that would be a huge plus on your side. They can cut through all the ridiculous red tape for you as well. Don't try to get on disability on you own, as it's almost impossible to do. it's really necessary to have a lawyer/advocate ion your side. I hope I have helped you some?! Take care of yourself - ok?? Laurie

Hi Gail, As of July 2012, the US. government declared that Fibromyalgia is a disability , there is a lot under that, but at least they are recognizing that some can become disabled due to fibro. Biggest key… A Dr that will strongly agree that you can not work.
I’m also going to be starting the process, some have said just apply on your own the first time because a denial is certain, others have said for sure get a lawyer, I have heard it can take years, I stated with short term disability through my employer … There is so much to consider, especially how you can financially survive while waiting for disability.
Hugs & blessings

Laurie, do you mind if I ask you what State you live in? I live in Texas so I don't know how good a lawyer I could get. All the ones I see on commercials look cheesy.....well, there's one that is ok. He wears this cowboy hat and when he takes it off he says, "You deserve respect and justice, so we demand it." I'd probably go with him. However, I don't have money right now for a lawyer. Do you pay them at the end when you get your disability money or do you have to pay them up front? If it can take a year, I don't know if my mother would support me for that long. I just went to a trade school for two months to become an Administrative Assistant but working the mouse so much on my computer really makes my shoulder and arm hurt so bad. If it hurts only after a half hour of typing, there's no way I could type eight hours a day and do all the other stuff that's required in that field. I don't know what I was thinking...... I wasn't (fibro fog). I really do want to earn my own money but everything hurts. I have a Rheumatologist that I'm sure would provide all the proof needed, it's just surviving until I win the case that I worry about!

Dee, I'm glad the government declared fibro as a disability. I have Lupus as well so my joints are swollen. My Rheumatologist would declare me disabled in a heart beat so no problem there. It will be hard for me to survive until I get the money, pretty much my mother, who lives with me, would have to support me and I don't know if she would since she thinks I make up my pain. I even had my Rheumy right a NOTE on a prescription pad that I have Lupus and fibromyalgia and he added, "There is no mistaking the diagnosis". My mom read the note and didn't say anything so I doubt she believed him, she thinks I can manipulate a Doctor into anything. It breaks my heart because I know how much I suffer. Thanks for the advice, good luck to you on this! Blessings

Hi Gail, Heres a link and on the home page there is a box to click to see if you quilfy. It takes just a few minutes to do. Best of luck and keep us posted....Hugs, Robin

That disability digest looks like it would be SOOO helpful!
I definitely signed up for it! I can’t wait to read it!

Hi 77 - I live in Reno, Nevada. When I went to see the lawyer for the first time - I found out that I didn't have to pay him till I got my first disability check, It was just a small portion that I had to pay him. He was so nice and really tries to help people that are down and out. I would be a little bit leery if you should choose one of the lawyers that you see on television. I have two friends that went that route, and what a mess they got into. It's a long story. Dee had some useful information for you. Sometimes getting disability can take a while. So, the short term disability would be really good for now. I know you will have a lot of questions to ask the lawyer and be sure he specializes in Disability though. Good Luck, Love, Laurie

Dee, my son talked to an attorney before he filed. The attorney said he'd be glad to help with the initial filing, but suggested that my son do it, then hire him if he was denied initially. Why? He said it's rare, but on the off chance that he was approved the first time, my son would owe him potentially $6,000 for just filing a few pieces of paper (which my son would've had to sit down and help the attorney answer all the questions anyhow). We hadn't thought of that.


I'm currently in the middle of the Disability song and dance. I don't have a lawyer yet, but my mother is a social worker so she's been helping me out. I have six years worth of getting let go or quitting due to my health problems (Originally IC, but now IC AND Fibro). Right now I'm waiting for them to look at my medical records. I have a long list of medical conditions on my records, so I'm hoping that will help. I want to return to school someday and do more art classes, I'd like to become an illustrator, or perhaps teach art someday. But right now I hurt too much to do much of anything.

Hi Robin, Hey, I checked out the link and found out there was about a 2-3 year waiting list, ugh!!!! I doubt my mother would support me for that long til I got the benefits. But I appreciate the link. Thank you, Hugs,
