Hi to all Fibro-sisters and Fibro-brother.
First i have to say that English it’s not my first language so bare with me if my writing its not that good. Ok just wondering if this happens to anyone, some of my medicine cocktail is I take Cymbalta for the Fibromaylgia, painkiller, muscle relaxer, and inflammatory medicine.
I want to know if you guys have more energy at night that in the day. I have 5 kids so I always wait for them to go to sleep to do my house chores. But because too, I have that energy that I need in the day I have it at night. But the bad thing is the pain the next day.
I don’t clean everyday because the kids always help.
Thank you, Yndira.
Hi Yndira!
Your english is fine, don't ever worry about that. I have found that I definitely feel better at night... so much so that I rarely sleep when it's dark out! I've gotten my sleep schedule so backward, that I can barely function during the day. I've been trying to fix it, but it seems that I'm stuck this way, so maybe it's a Fibromyalgia problem? It must be very difficult to burn that energy at night when you have to be up the next morning with 5 children. Be proud of yourself for doing it !
I know a few others of us that are up all night and feel better then, I'd like to hear from others!
Hi Yndira. I definitely feel better at night than in the day. My kids are all grown and gone, but I still want to try to keep a somewhat "normal" schedule. It's very difficult. I try to be out of bed by mid morning, but I am worthless. By noon I can usually move around a little. I make dinner every day for my husband and I and sometimes it's difficult to be moving around that much by 4pm. When I feel best is after 8pm and I could easily stay up very late.
So, this is what I do. After dinner is done, and the animals are all taken care of, I go to bed. It's usually about 7pm. If it's been a big day, like grocery shopping or dr appt I am so ready to hit the bed. That way I get to rest my aching body even if I don't sleep. I usually read til about 11 and then fall asleep. Hubby works early day shift. If he could switch to swing shift we'd see a lot more of each other! There is no way I can get up with him at 5am. I wish I could.
We had 4 kids very close together. I remember all of the energy it took to do all that you need to do. Sounds like you are doing a great job! I say do what ever works for you. But, yes, I think it's a real common problem for us to want to be night owls. And yes, it's ok to let the kids do housework! Even if you weren't sick, they could still do housework! You keep up the good work. Everyone is pulling for ya!
I hope my rambling helps you. I'm a little off today. LOL! More than usual!
Hi Yndira and welcome!
Yes, I definitely feel more awake at night, although not better because the pain is worse. I think it's great that you can get cleaning done at night! That's a very good way of using your energy instead of trying to push yourself to do it in the daytime when you don't feel so well. And for you to take care of 5 kids plus doing housework - wow! I'm impressed!
Your English is fine. And thank you for joining us here. Please come again.
Hi Yndira,
Your English is beautiful! Better than some Americans! ha! REALLY!
It seems as though many times we are more awake at night, sometimes more energy, sometimes not. It seems that no matter what we do, we pay the next day!
Five kids with Fibro is a big accomplishment! So glad they help you! I hope they always will!
Big hugs,